Alex Warner & The Analogics - The way you're (clica per veure la lletra)
divendres, 29 de febrer del 2008
Alex Warner & The Analogics - The way you're
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dijous, 28 de febrer del 2008
dimecres, 27 de febrer del 2008
Negu GorriaK - Kolorea bizia
Avui una recomenació d'en Pablo!!
Negu GorriaK - Kolorea bizia (clica per veure la lletra)
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dimarts, 26 de febrer del 2008
U2 - Vertigo
U2 - Vertigo (clica per veure la lletra)
Unos dos tres catorce!
Lights go down, it’s dark
The jungle is your head
Can’t rule your heart
A feeling is so much stronger than
A thought
Your eyes are wide
And though your soul
It can’t be bought
Your mind can wander
Hello hello
I’m at a place called Vertigo
It’s everything I wish I didn’t know
Except you give me something I can feel, feel
The night is full of holes
As bullets rip the sky
Of ink with gold
They twinkle as the
Boys play rock and roll
They know they can’t dance
At least they know….
I can’t stand the beats
I’m asking for the cheque
The girl with crimson nails
Has Jesus round her neck
Swinging to the music
Swinging to the music
Oh oh oh oh
Hello hello
I’m at a place called Vertigo
It’s everything I wish I didn’t know
But you give me something I can feel, feel
Check mated
Oh yeah
Hours of fun…
All of this, all of this can be yours
All of this, all of this can be yours
All of this, all of this can be yours
Just give me what I want and no-one gets hurt….
Hello hello
We’re at a place called Vertigo
Lights go down and all I know
Is that you give me something
I can feel your love teaching me how
Your love is teaching me how, how to kneel…
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
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dilluns, 25 de febrer del 2008
Carlos Santana - Black magic woman
Carlos Santana - Black magic woman (clica per veure la lletra)
Got a black magic woman,
I got a black magic woman
I got a black magic woman got me so blind I can't see
I got a black magic woman
She try'in to make a devil out of me
Turn your back on me baby, turn your back on me baby
Turn your back on me baby don't turn babe
Turn your back on me baby
You might just pick up my magic sticks
Got your spell on me baby, got your spell on me baby
Got your spell on me baby turnin my heart into stone
I need you so bad magic woman I can't leave you alone
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diumenge, 24 de febrer del 2008
Unknown - Lovely place
Una petició molt endarrerida d'en Solde.
Si hom disposa de més informació, o vols currar-se la lletra serà d'agrair :) Jo de moment no tinc temps :p (pista: És d'un anunci d'Audi)
Unknown - Lovely place (clica per veure la lletra)
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dissabte, 23 de febrer del 2008
Los planetas - Un buen día
Avui una recomenació del Sergio!
Los planetas - Un buen día (clica per veure la lletra)
Me he despertado casi a las diez
y me he quedado en la cama
mas de tres cuartos de hora
y ha merecido la pena
ha entrado el sol por la ventana
y han brillado en el aire
algunas motas de polvo
he salido a la ventana
y hacia una estupenda maana.
He bajado al bar para desayunar
y he leido en el marca
que se ha lesionado el niato
y no me he acordado de ti
hasta pasado un buen rato.
Luego han venido estos por aqui
y nos hemos bajado
a tomarnos unas caas
y me he reido con ellos.
He estado durmiendo hasta las seis
y despus he leido
unos tebeos de spiderman
que casi no recordaba
y he salido de la cama
he puesto la tele y habia un partido
y Mendieta ha marcado un gol
realmente increible
y me he puesto triste
el momento justo antes de irme.
Habia quedado de nuevo a las diez
y he bajado en la moto
hacia los bares de siempre
donde quedaba contigo
y no hacia nada de frio
he estado con Erik hasta las seis
y nos hemos metido
cuatro millones de rayas
y no he vuelto a pensar en ti
hasta que he llegado a casa
y ya no he podido dormir
como siempre me pasa.
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divendres, 22 de febrer del 2008
Monkey Majik - Pretty people
Petició de l'elena. Demana especial atenció a la lletra :D.
Els que esteu encara a la queue, no patiu :D queda poc :p
Monkey Majik - Pretty people (clica per veure la lletra)
Alright now here we go
You say the world is changing
Don't seem so complicated
Wake up in the middle of the night
With a newspaper beside your bed
It's in you head!
Don't have to be educated
Cause half the people who "conduct the train"
Are overpriced and we're underpaid
Say no names!
Just try to make the change
We'll follow you, and whatever you go through
We've seen it all
Now let's try something new
(Don't need the same things)
Make sure it's true
(Let's try to change things)
Holding hands with your brothers, and your sisters
and your mothers and your fathers,
sons and daughters friends and cousins all the "ISMS"
Pretty people yeah! They're living all around the world
We try to make it better, look at eachother deeper
You'll see us pretty people
Simply put it's just a shame
And no one else is set to blame
I don't know if I can help
But I want to lend a hand
It's a simple theory, yeah
Nothing complicated man
And I just wish that everyone would not agree to disagree
To all the pretty people who
Take this message to be true
Put your hands together watch the system crumble down again
That's all that it takes
Watch the system crumble down again, yeah
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dijous, 21 de febrer del 2008
The shins - New slang
Aquesta és una nova recomanació d'en Rayuela! Aquest cop però us informo que el Rayuela passa a ser de l'equip earenjoy...Això que vol dir? Doncs que quan jo no pugui serà ell, o en Kalessin, membre d'earenjoy des de fa gairebé un any, qui ho farà. Benvingut.
The shins - New slang (clica per veure la lletra)
Gold teeth and a curse for this town were all in my mouth.
Only, i don't know how they got out, dear.
Turn me back into the pet that i was when we met.
I was happier then with no mind-set.
And if you'd 'a took to me like
A gull takes to the wind.
Well, i'd 'a jumped from my tree
And i'd a danced like the king of the eyesores
And the rest of our lives would 'a fared well.
New slang when you notice the stripes, the dirt in your fries.
Hope it's right when you die, old and bony.
Dawn breaks like a bull through the hall,
Never should have called
But my head's to the wall and i'm lonely.
And if you'd 'a took to me like
A gull takes to the wind.
Well, i'd 'a jumped from my tree
And i'd a danced like the kind of the eyesores
And the rest of our lives would 'a fared well.
God speed all the bakers at dawn may they all cut their thumbs,
And bleed into their buns 'till they melt away.
I'm looking in on the good life i might be doomed never to find.
Without a trust or flaming fields am i too dumb to refine?
And if you'd 'a took to me like
Well i'd a danced like the queen of the eyesores
And the rest of our lives would 'a fared well.
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dimecres, 20 de febrer del 2008
Eddie Vedder - Guaranteed
Recomanació d'en Kalessin, demana especial atenció a la lletra.
La cua torna a estar plena!!!
Eddie Vedder - Guaranteed (clica per veure la lletra)
On bended knee is no way to be free
Lifting up an empty cup, I ask silently
All my destinations will accept the one that's me
So I can breathe...
Circles they grow and they swallow people whole
Half their lives they say goodnight to wives they'll never know
A mind full of questions, and a teacher in my soul
And so it goes...
Don't come closer or I'll have to go
Holding me like gravity are places that pull
If ever there was someone to keep me at home
It would be you...
Everyone I come across, in cages they bought
They think of me and my wandering, but I'm never what they thought
I've got my indignation, but I'm pure in all my thoughts
I'm alive...
Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere
Underneath my being is a road that disappeared
Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead
Leave it to me as I find a way to be
Consider me a satellite, forever orbiting
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me
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dimarts, 19 de febrer del 2008
Marc Hernández - Castells que amb llàgrimes cauen
Quan va nèixer earenjoy tenia, entre d'altres, la inquietud de donar a conèixer cançons poc conegudes... No sempre ha set així...
Avui però redimiré aquest fet. Us presento al Marc Hernández. Doncs bé...És veu que aquest any la cançó d'Eurovisió s'escull mitjançant MySpace, i aquest noi s'hi presenta.
A mi la cançó m'agrada, i a més, no us faria gracia sentir una cançó en català a eurovisión? Està el cas d'andorra, però quant més millor... Us imagineu dues cançons en català a eurovisión?
Bé encomano a tots a votar a aquest noi. Si no erro, podeu votar fins a 5 cops diaris.
Per fer-ho aneu aquí: Eurovisión-2008, seleccioneu la provincia de Barcelona, i aneu a la pestanya 4 (o busqueu-lo). Per votar no cal estar registrat, ni coses per l'estil.
earenjoy està amb en Marc.
Marc Hernández - Castells que amb llàgrimes cauen (clica per veure la lletra)
L’ombra del temps
Somriu i em pregunta
Si de veritat sé qui sóc
Responc orgull trist
Idees perdudes
Un mariner sense port
Ocell rodamón engabiat
Només sóc records,
Silencis que omplen
Una cançó vacil•lant
Amors, tempestats,
Batalles, onades
Muntanya de dol dins el mar.
Marea de somnis trencats
Ella somriu, perquè lluiteu ploreu per una llum que ja s’apaga
Somnis desvetllats, tremolant entre nosaltres
Paraules, poemes se’n van, castells que amb llàgrimes cauen
Castells que amb llàgrimes, cauen.
L’ombra del temps
Somriu i em pregunta
Si de veritat sé qui sóc
Responc vianant,
ciutat adormida.
Sóc crit ofegat fa un instant,
un crit que ja no aturaràs
Ella somriu, perquè lluiteu ploreu per una llum que ja s’apaga
Somnis desvetllats, tremolant entre nosaltres
Paraules, poemes se’n van, castells que amb llàgrimes cauen
Castells que amb llàgrimes, cauen.
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dilluns, 18 de febrer del 2008
Mozart - Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen
També coneguda com l'"aria de La Reina de la Nit". És la segona ària cantada al segon acte de l'opera: "La flauta màgica".
En aquesta ària es representa el moment en que la Reina de la Nit exigeix a la seva filla Pamina que matí a en Sarastre, sota l'amenaça de repudiar-la i maleir-la.
Mozart - Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen (clica per veure la lletra)
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
Tod und Verzweiflung flammen um mich her!
Fühlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr.
Verstossen sei auf ewig,
Verlassen sei auf ewig,
Zertrümmert sei'n auf ewig
Alle Bande der Natur
Wenn nicht durch dich Sarastro wird erblassen!
Hört, Rachegötter, hört der Mutter Schwur!
Traducció (lliure):
La venjança de l'infiern bull en el meu cor
la mort i la desesperació cremen en mi!
Si en Sarastre no sent a través teu
el dolor de la mort
aleshores ja no seràs més la meva filla.
Que et repudiïn sempre,
que t'abandonin sempre,
que et destrueixin sempre
tots el vincles de al natura.
Si no és a través teu,
en Sarastre defallirà!
Escolteu, Deus de la fura!
Escolteu el jurament d'una mare!
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diumenge, 17 de febrer del 2008
Violent Femmes - Do you really want to hurt me?
Violent Femmes - Do you really want to hurt me (clica per veure la lletra)
I needed time to realize my crime
It was let me love & steal
I did dances inside my mind
Now how can I be real
Do you really want to hurt me?
Do you really want to make me cry?
No I don t really want to hurt you then
Lovers always asked me:
Why why why why
In my mind my memorys burning
Whats your favorite color of your favorite car?
I took a step the step was learning
That thats a step beyond a step too far
Do you really want to hurt me?
Do you really want to make me cry?
No I dont really want to hurt you
I told the truth but it was still a lie
The words are few some are unspoken
I could sleep four thousand years
Man of sorrows
Word unbroken
His sweat like blood came down like tears
Ive been talking but believe me
I know that its true
Now that theres no more
I dont know
Im in love and loves the reason
Im not prepared to let you let me go so
If its love you want
Then take all of me
Its this love I want I can finally see
Do I really want to hurt you?
Do I really want to make you cry?
Yes I suppose I want to hurt you
You told the truth but it was still a lie
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dissabte, 16 de febrer del 2008
Eels - Guest list
Eels - Guest list (clica per veure la lletra)
Are you one of the beautiful people
Is my name on the list
Wanna be of the beautiful people
Wanna feel like Im missed
Hey you with the walkie talkie
I know my clothes are not right
I wish I had my own walkie talkie
That reached to God every night
Everyone needs to be somebody
Everyone needs to find someone who cares
But I dont know if you know what I mean
cause Im never on your list
Are you one of the beautiful people
Am I on the wrong track
Sometimes it feels like Im made of eggshell
And it feels like Im gonna crack
Everyone needs to be somebody
Everyone needs to find someone who cares
But I dont know if you know what I mean
cause Im never on your list
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divendres, 15 de febrer del 2008
Aziza Brahim - Regreso
Recomenació de l'elena!
Aziza Brahim - Regreso (clica per veure la lletra)
està xunga la cosa...
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dijous, 14 de febrer del 2008
Journey - Any way you want it
Journey - Any way you want it (clica per veure la lletra)
Any way you want it
Thats the way you need it
Any way you want it
She loves to laugh
She loves to sing
She does everything
She loves to move
She loves to grove
She loves the lovin things
Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh, baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,
Any way you want it
Thats the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, any way you want it
Thats the way you need it
Any way you want it
I was alone
I never knew
What good love could do
Ooh, then we touched
Then we sang
About the lovin things
Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,
Any way you want it
Thats the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, any way you want it
Thats the way you need it
Any way you want it
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dimecres, 13 de febrer del 2008
Television - 1880 or so
Vull agrair a la Luca que m'hagi concedit el guardó "Premi al blog Solidari". És per a mi un plaer acceptar-lo. Tot i això el format d'aquest blog no em permet crear un únic post per a concedir el guardó, aquest cop jo, així que posaré quins són els blogs que segueixo amb més freqüència :D
Eva i Esteve: De la creadora de la capçalera...Arriba un blog (dels 15-20 que té).
Elena: Aquest me'l vaig haver de llegir de cap a peus, i tota la resta dels seus blogs...Aniversaris rars que celebrem.
Television - 1880 or so (clica per veure la lletra)
O rose of my heart, can't you see
I don't belong to misery
Though she speaks fine with subtle art
Such misery clothes the rose of my heart.
Now what I see in the long twilight
A star falls down on a hill so white
On a hill so white.
A face that glows in a golden hue
No-one in this world knows what they do
I take my oath and I make my vow
For the tender things are upon me now.
In the fragrance sweet of the evening air
I could leave this world quite without a care.
O rose of my heart, the vision dims
the time is brief, now the shadow swims,
A powerful a real fine hat
Cause that's for you and that's where that's at.
Now what I see in the long twilight
A star falls down on a hill so white.
O rose of my heart
O rose of my heart
O rose of my heart.
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dimarts, 12 de febrer del 2008
Alice in chains - Would?
Recomanació d'en Rayuela, que últimament està desaparegut...
Alice in chains - Would? (clica per veure la lletra)
Know me broken by my master
teach thee on child of love hereafter
Into the flood again
same old trip it was back then
so i made a big mistake
try to see it once my way
Drifting body it's sole desertion
flying not yet quite the notion
Into the flood again
same old trip it was back then
so i made a big mistake
try to see it once my way
Into the flood again
same old trip it was back then
so i made a big mistake
try to see it once my way
Am i wrong?
have i run too far to get home
Have i gone?
and left you here alone
Am I wrong?
have i run too far to get home, yeah
Have I gone?
and left you here alone
If i would, could you?
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dilluns, 11 de febrer del 2008
Golden earring - Radar love
Tornem al món anglosaxó.
Golden earring - Radar love (clica per veure la lletra)
I've been drivin' all night, my hand's wet on the wheel
There's a voice in my head that drives my heel
It's my baby callin', says I need you here
And it's a half past four and I'm shiftin' gear
When she is lonely and the longing gets too much
She sends a cable comin' in from above
Don't need no phone at all
We've got a thing that's called Radar Love
We've got a wave in the air, Radar Love
The radio is playing some forgotten song
Brenda Lee's comin' on strong
The road has got me hypnotized
And I'm speedin' into a new sunrise
When I get lonely and I'm sure I've had enough
She sents her comfort comin' in from above
We don't need no letter at all
We've got a thing that's called Radar Love
We've got a light in the sky
(Instrumental break)
No more speed, I'm almost there
Gotta keep cool now, gotta take care
Last car to pass, here I go
And the line of cars drove down real slow
And the radio played that forgotten song
Brenda Lee's comin' on strong
And the newsman sang his same song
Oh one more radar lover gone
When I get lonely and I'm sure I've had enough
She sents her comfort comin' in from above
We don't need no letter at all
We've got a thing that's called Radar Love
We've got a light in the sky
We've got a thing that's called Radar Love
We've got a thing that's called Radar Love
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diumenge, 10 de febrer del 2008
El Pechuga, Kiko Veneno - Los delincuentes
El Pechuga, Kiko Veneno - Los delincuentes (clica per veure la lletra)
Me junto con toda clase de delincuentes
A veces comen en frío y otras en caliente
Roban todos los días dos coches
Uno por la mañana y otro por la noche
Me es muy familiar su ternura
Y la facilidad con que divisan la basura
Al final me buscan una ruina
Y me venden como una lata de sardinas.
Me son también conocidos los traficantes
Los que llevan camino de doctores y los almirantes
Llaman a las puertas de mi casa
Vendedores de cadenas y también de alhajas
Yo por mi parte miro por el agujero
Pero alguien tapa el cristalito con el dedo
mmm... reconocido sus huellas
esta noche dormiré con Estrella.
Se me han olvidado todas las oraciones
Los lamentos de los curas y predicadores
Me miro en el espejo por las mañanas
Y me asombro de tener aún la misma cara
Pregunto quién es aquí el más fuerte
Me estiro las orejas y me cuento los dientes
En los carteles van los importantes
Este carro sólo lleva comediantes.
Me quiero asegurar
Que mi sombrero está bien roto y así los rayos
Pueden entrar en mi cabeza.
Te quiero conquistar
Con el suave viento gratis y fresco
De mi abanico de cristal.
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dissabte, 9 de febrer del 2008
Ovidi Montllor - Perquè vull
Per a tots aquells que es queixen de la poca catalanitat del blog :) Tres de seguides :)
Ovidi Montllor - Perquè vull (clica per veure la lletra)
Plovia aquell dia. Perquè vull!
Perquè tinc ganes que plogués!
Sortia ella de casa. Perquè vull!
Perquè tinc ganes que sortís!
Tenia jo un paraigua. Perquè vull!
Perquè tinc ganes de tenir!
Vaig dir-li de tapar-la. Perquè vull!
Perquè tinc ganes d'ajudar!
Va dir-me: "Encantada, perquè vull!"
Perquè tinc ganes d'encantar!
Va arrapar-se a mi. Perquè vull!
Perquè tinc ganes d'estimar!
Vam viure un món preciós. Perquè vull!
Perquè tinc ja ganes de viure'l!
Després vàrem parlar. Perquè vull!
Perquè tinc ganes de parlar!
Vam volar pel món. Perquè vull!
Perquè tinc ganes de volar!
Vam sentir un món nou. Perquè vull!
Perquè no m'agrada aquest!
I el vam veure millor. Perquè vull!
Perquè sè qué és millor!
Vam menjar el més bo. Perquè vull!
Perquè sé que es pot menjar!
Vam viure amb gent preciosa. Perquè vull!
Perquè estic tip de la contrària!
Tot era meravella. Perquè vull!
Perquè estic fart de fàstics!
Tot era de tothom. Perquè vull!
Perquè tot és de tots!
I acabo la cançó. Perquè vull!
Tot comença en un mateix!
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divendres, 8 de febrer del 2008
121 Db - 68
Avui una recomenació del Pablo. La seva primera, si no erro.
121 Db - 68 (clica per veure la lletra)
Ja sé el que veig al carrer.
Tu saps molt més que jo.
Tots dos fem com so mp sabem
i ells...
Fa temps que em deixat de cridar,
lluny queda el 68.
Sembla que és massa tard
per tornar a començar.
Pot ser queda molt per fer.
Qui sap el que ens vindrà?
Si em crec el que vas dir
en aquells dies que Valèmcoa
era molt més que un paradís.
Feia calor i no plovia.
Suavem com mai he vist,
però gaudiem més que mai.
Es embogir l'´unica forma de fug
ir d'aci.
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dijous, 7 de febrer del 2008
Albert Pla - Qualsevol nit pot sortir el sol
Epa! Nou disseny per gentilesa de l'Eva, que s'ha currat aquesta capcelera i d'en Reddish que va ser qui va fer la foto del teclat i ens l'ha cedit!
Avui una recomenació, com no podia ser d'una altra manera, de l'Eva.
Albert Pla - Qualsevol nit pot sortir el sol (clica per veure la lletra)
Fa una nit clara i, hi ha la lluna que fa llum,
els convidats van arribant i van omplint tota la casa
de colors i de perfums.
Heus aquí a Blancaneus, en Pulgarcito, els tres porquets,
el gos Snoopy i el seu secretari Emili, i en Simbad,
l'Ali-baba i en Gullivert.
Oh, benvinguts, passeu passeu, de les tristors en farem fum.
A casa meva és casa vostra si que hi ha cases d'algú.
Hola Jaimito, i doña Urraca, en Carpanta, i Barba-azul,
Frankenstein, i l'home-llop, el compte Dràcula, i Tarzan,
la mona Chita i Peter Pan.
La senyoreta Marieta de l'ull viu ve amb un soldat,
els Reis d'Orient, Papa Noël, el pato Donald i en Pasqual,
la Pepa maca i Superman.
Oh, benvinguts, passeu passeu, de les tristors en farem fum.
A casa meva és casa vostra si que hi ha cases d'algú.
Bona nit senyor King Kong, senyor Asterix i en Taxi-Key,
Roberto Alcazar i Pedrín, l'home del sac, i en Patufet,
senyor Charlot, senyor Obelix.
En Pinotxo ve amb la Monyos agafada del bracet,
hi ha la dona que ven globus, la família Ulises,
i el Capitán Trueno en patinet.
Oh, benvinguts, passeu passeu, de les tristors en farem fum.
A casa meva és casa vostra si que hi ha cases d'algú.
A les dotze han arribat la fada bona i ventafocs,
en Tom i Jerry, la bruixa Calixta, Bambi i Moby Dick,
i l'emperadriu Sissi.
I Mortadelo, i Filemón, i Guillem Brown, i Guillem Tell,
la caputxeta vermelleta, el llop ferotge, i el caganer,
en Cocoliso i en Popeye.
Oh, benvinguts, passeu passeu, ara ja no falta ningú,
o potser sí, ja me n'adono que tan sols hi faltes tu.
També pots venir si vols, t'esperem, hi ha lloc per tots.
El temps no conta, ni l'espai, qualsevol nit pot sortir el sol.
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dimecres, 6 de febrer del 2008
dimarts, 5 de febrer del 2008
Dispatch - Questioned apocalypse
Dispatch - Questioned apocalypse (clica per veure la lletra)
I went down to the drug store to check my head against
the bright light but she caught me from behind
and though I did not know and though I did not care
I could not tell that I was blind to think my world a bubble
and to think that my brother's was too
and that she had come
to shatter all that I knew
so I straightened up my back and I cry
do what you must do
take me now before I change my mind
take me now before I lose my mind
so I headed to the deep, deep forest
to catch my earnings
but my earnings were all up
my brother looks up at the sky and says
why have you poisoned my brother's cup
and I say don't you worry boy
cause the woman who came for me
will surely show you your bliss
for she holds the answers to all your fears she
questions the apocalypse
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dilluns, 4 de febrer del 2008
Elvis Presley - Can't help falling in love
Elvis Presley - Can't help falling in love (clica per veure la lletra)
Wise men say only fools rush in
But I cant help falling in love with you
Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I cant help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I cant help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I cant help falling in love with you
For I cant help falling in love with you
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diumenge, 3 de febrer del 2008
Marlango - My love
visca la leonor.
Marlango - My love (clica per veure la lletra)
My love is soft when he shispers
My love is tough when he cries
My love is small as a baby
My love shines like rain.
My love walks like a soldier
My love holds like a girl
My love's voice is broken
My love's hands are soft and strong.
I am as small as a snail
I am as soft as a drop
I am lost and crawl
But I'll climb
Only up to you.
I am angry as thunder
I am strong as blood
I am as cloudy and clear as all the skies
That pass through your eyes.
We'll be as happy as children
We'll be as jumpy as queens
We'll fight and fuss for hours only to rest each other's arms.
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dissabte, 2 de febrer del 2008
Driveshaft - You all everybody
4 8 15 16 23 42
Driveshaft - You all everybody (clica per veure la lletra)
You all, everybody
You all, everybody
Acting like you're stupid people
Wearing your 'spensive clothes
You all, everybody
You all, everybody
You all, everybody
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divendres, 1 de febrer del 2008
Amy Winehouse - Tears dry on their own
Amy Winehouse - Tears dry on their own (clica per veure la lletra)
All I'll can ever be to you
Is a darkness that we knw,
And this regret I got accustomed to.
Once it was so right
When we were at our high,
Waiting for you in the hotel at night.
I knew I hadn't met my match,
But every moment we could snatch,
I don't know why I got so attached.
It's my responsibility,
And you don't owe nothing to me,
But to walk away I have no capacity.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own.
I don't understand,
Why do I stress a man,
When there's so many bigger things at hand.
We could've never had it all,
We had to hit a wall,
So this is an inevitable withdrawal.
Even if I stop wanting you
And perspective pushes true,
I'll be some next man's other woman soon.
I couldn't play myself again,
I should just be my own best friend,
Not f**k myself in the head with stupid men.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own.
[Tears Dry on Their Own lyrics on]
So we are history,
Your shadow covers me,
The sky above
A blaze
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own.
I wish I could say no regrets,
And no emotional debts,
Cause as we kiss goodbye the sun sets.
So we are history,
Your shadow covers me,
The sky above a blaze that only lovers see.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
In my blue shade
My tears dry on their own.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I am grown
And in your way,
My deep shade,
My tears dry on their own.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
My deep shade,
My tears dry...
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