John Lennon - Woman (clica per veure la lletra)
Woman I can hardly express,
My mixed emotion at my thoughtlessness,
After all I'm forever in your debt,
And woman I will try express,
My inner feelings and thankfullness,
For showing me the meaning of succsess,
oooh well, well,
oooh well, well,
Woman I know you understand
The little child inside the man,
Please remember my life is in your hands,
And woman hold me close to your heart,
However, distant don't keep us apart,
After all it is written in the stars,
oooh well, well,
oooh well, well,
Woman please let me explain,
I never mean(t) to cause you sorrow or pain,
So let me tell you again and again and again,
I love you (yeah, yeah) now and forever,
I love you (yeah, yeah) now and forever,
I love you (yeah, yeah) now and forever,
I love you (yeah, yeah)...
2 comentaris:
Me ha encantado descubrirte. Y para tu infórmación te diré que estaba buscando la letra de Architecture in Helsinki - Like a Call en google y ... aquí estás.
Esucharé tus recomendaciones diarias.
Parlo catala malament o millor..yo escric malament.
Ho sento y moltes gracias per tu recomanacio.
Me'n alegro que t'hagi agradat el blog. Ja saps que pots fer tantes recomanacions com vulguis, oi?
Pel que fa el català, no pateixis, et remeto a la cançó d'avui: La trinca - Coses de l'idioma
Fins aviat :D
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