dimecres, 30 de juliol del 2008
Violent Femmes - Blister in the sun
Me'n vaig uns dies de vacances. En Kalessin s'encarregarà d'actualitzar :) Fins a la tornada.
Violent Femmes - Blister in the sun (clica per veure la lletra)
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dimarts, 29 de juliol del 2008
Brett Dennen - Darlin' do not fear
Brett Dennen - Darlin' do not fear (clica per veure la lletra)
When I arrived in my own set of clothes
I was half a world away from my home
And I was hunted by the wolves and I was heckled by the crows
Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
Alongside my innocence I laid in bed awake
Conflicted in these chains with the impetus of age
But like a phantom she crept across the floor and out the window
Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
From its place on the mantle my heart and was taken down
scattered in a thousand little pieces on the ground
And out below the street lamp like an orphan with a halo
Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
'cause it won't last - the worries will pass
All your troubles they don't stand a chance
And sometimes it takes more than a lifetime to know
Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
The confidence is full as your faith etched in stone
and neither could comfort you from the wild unknown
So bury your burning hatred like a hatchet in the snow
Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
If you have a broken heart or a battered soul
Find something to hold on to or to let go
to help you through the hard nights like a flask filled with hope
Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
'cause it won't last - your worries will pass
All your troubles they don't stand a chance
and it always hurts the worst when it's the ones we love the most
Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
Sometimes your path is marked in the sky
Sometimes you're forced to fit in between the lines
Sometimes all that you can do is say no
Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
I said, when I arrived in my own set of clothes
I was half a world away from my home
and I was hunted by the wolves and I was heckled by the crows
Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
I said, Darlin' do not fear what you don't really know
We said, Darlin' do not fear
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dilluns, 28 de juliol del 2008
Golden earring - Another 45 miles
Una mica de vertigen, alhora que il·lusió, pels nous reptes que es plantegen.
Golden earring - Another 45 miles (clica per veure la lletra)
Here comes the night
A veil over the light
In the distance some shadows of the clouds in the sky
I've got to get home, to my child, my wife
Here comes the night
I'm scared to death, got to get me a ride
It looks like the road is swallowing me up
Gotta hurry home, don't dare to look back
Blueville is straight ahead
Another 45 miles to go
Another 45 miles before I'm home
I wish I could pay the sun to run
Then I had some more time, with my wife, my son
Clouds in the sky
Gathering for a fight
Chasing their prey till it can't go on
I mend my pace 'cos my bride is waiting home
Here comes the night
I'm scared to death, got to get me a ride
It looks like the road is swallowing me up
Gotta hurry home, don't dare to look back
Blueville is straight ahead
Another 45 miles to go
Another 45 miles before I'm home
I wish I could pay the sun to run
Then I had some more time, with my wife, my son
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diumenge, 27 de juliol del 2008
Vampire weekend - A-punk
Una recomanació de la Núria (aquí falta un enllaç al blog que has de fer ;) ).
Vampire weekend - A-punk (clica per veure la lletra)
Johanna drove slowly into the city
The Hudson River all filled with snow
She spied the ring on his honor’s finger
Oh oh oh
A thousand years in one piece of silver
She took it from his lily white hand
Showed no fear she’d seen the thing
In the young men’s wing at Sloan-Kettering
Look outside the raincoats gone, say oh!
His honor drove southward seeking exotica
Down to the Pueblo huts of New Mexico
Cut his teeth on turquoise harmonicas
Oh oh oh
I saw Johanna down in the subway
She took an apartment in Washington Heights
Half of the ring lies here with me
But the other half’s at the bottom of the sea
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dissabte, 26 de juliol del 2008
Ben Harper - Another Lonely Day
Uuuups! Ahir no va haver-hi cançó per despiste, pensava que en brufus encara postejaria un dia més i em vaig oblidar del tot! No tornarà a passar.
La cançó, un temazo de Ben Harper, del que he vist que fins ara només hi havia una cançó en el blog.
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dijous, 24 de juliol del 2008
Cocoon - Hummingbird
Cocoon - Hummingbird (clica per veure la lletra)
There's a long long road
To reach your house
I arrived just before
Just before the sunset
And you said ,and you said
Welcome with your eyes
And we said ,and we said
Nothing at all
[ refrain ]
Oh we have been to
Many churhes
But we never believed
Oh we have been to Many churches
But we never believed
If you go too far
There's a song you hear
If we get too closed
Whisper in my ear
Speak the word
Say yes
Be my church
Say yes
Humming bird
Say yes
Be my church
[ refrain ]
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dimecres, 23 de juliol del 2008
Estudiantina - Gall negre
Una recomanació conjunta de la Núria i en Cescgarrifós.
Estudiantina - Gall negre (clica per veure la lletra)
El dia de Cinquagesme
a Solanell vàrem anar.
i un gall negre va sortir a la porta
que ens volia fer agafar.
Fora d'aquí, fora d'aquí, fora d'aquí,
si no voleu venir al rosari.
Fora d'aquí, fora d'aquí, fora d'aquí,
si al rosari no voleu venir.
I un gall negre va sortir a la porta,
mig en camisa, mig en camisa,
i un gall negre va sortir a la porta,
que ens va dir:
Si no voleu marxar,
esteu-vos una miqueta,
si no voleu marxar la justícia
us en prendrà.
Nosaltres teníem raó,
vàrem fer una gran resistència,
nosaltres teníem raó
però el capellà tenia un bastó.
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dimarts, 22 de juliol del 2008
Mick Jagger i David A. Stewart - Blind leading the blind
Mick Jagger i David A. Stewart - Blind leading the blind (clica per veure la lletra)
When the chips are down,
And you're blinded on your feet,
You're standing up and walking,
But you know you are dead meat.
The sky is busting,
It's near the break of day,
You're running out options,
Running out of place.
The leaves are cracking,
Withered on the trees,
Beg you darling,
Won't you say a prayer for me,
I need your benediction,
'Cause I'm a soul in need,
I can't sit down much lower,
'Cause I'm on my knees.
Like the blind leading the blind,
After the wine, the tears they are gushing,
Just like the blind leading the blind,
Time after time,
You won't let the love in.
Mmmmmmmmmm . . .
You are the sharpest knife,
You are the finest blade,
You are the shining sun,
Everybody's in your shade.
So funny to you,
Dripping honeyfrom your tongue,
But you never know what's going on,
When the day is done.
There is a sadness,
Just grinding in your bones,
A twisted trap down which you're forced to go,
You need the hand of friendship to steady up your heart,
So hang on to me baby,
I'll show you down the path.
Just like the blind leading the blind,
Asking me why,
You won't let the love in.
Oh, like the blind leading the blind,
Only to find your feelings are nothing, ah!
Mm, just like the blind leading the blind,
After the wine, your tears they are gushing, gushing, yeah.
Just like the blind leading the blind,
Just like you'll find it's leading to nothing, nothing oooh,
oooh, yeah!
Mmmmm... Just like the blind leading the blind,
Time after time,
It's leading to nothing, nothing, nothing, not a thing.
Leading the blind,
After the wine, the tears they are gushing, gushing, gushing.
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dilluns, 21 de juliol del 2008
The broken family band - Happy day are here again
The broken family band - Happy day are here again (clica per veure la lletra)
Happy days are here again
The good times are rolling down our back like beads of sweat
So why don't we all go down and play in the sun on the banks of the river?
We could duck each other under just for fun
Happy days are here again
The sun has got his hat on
So why don't we all get down and play in the scum on the banks of the river?
We could fuck each other over just for fun
Happy days are here again
Wave goodbye to all your problems they were just a fad
And then we could all go down and play in the sun on the banks of the river
We could duck each other under just for fun
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diumenge, 20 de juliol del 2008
dissabte, 19 de juliol del 2008
Jib Jab - It's time for some campaignin'
Genial parodia del que són les èpoques preelectorals, centrada en la cursa cap a la Casa Blanca.
Jib Jab - It's time for some campaignin' (clica per veure la lletra)
Come gather 'round Dick,
Condi, Scooter and Rove.
It's time to get packin'
we must hit the road.
But there's war,
and recession,
and bad mortgage loans.
And our legacy needs savin'!
So forget he's a jackass
who's liberally prone.
Oh, it's time for some campaignin'!
Old party friends
time to say "au revoir",
we failed to extinguish
Barack's rising star.
You were so close my darlin',
alas, no cigar!
And now their tune is changin'
I'll be back in four years,
heck it ain't all that far!
Oh, it's time for some campaignin'!
Gather Conservatives lend me a hand,
unless you want this
liberal wuss in command!
I spent years in a rat hole
in North Vietnam.
Now the Jihad needs containin'!
So forget my skin cancer
and swollen left gland.
Oh, it's time for some campaignin'!
Gosh, I'm so tir'd of
divisive exchange.
And I got one or two things
to say about change,
like the change we must change
to the change we hold dear
I really like change,
have I made myself clear?
So he'll talk about change
till you're deaf in the ear!
Oh, it's time for some campaignin'!
Citiziens gather
from both far and near,
for a ritual
we practice every four years.
When we promise you anything
you wanna hear,
to win the crown we're chasin'!
We spend billions of dollars
to make our points clear
to get you step up
and cast your vote here,
Then we spin you around
and poke you in the rear.
Oh, it's time for some campaignin'!
Yes, it's time for some campaignin'!
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divendres, 18 de juliol del 2008
Gertrudis - Senderos
Si fa estiu, fa estiu! Recomanació de l'Ia!
Gertrudis - Senderos (clica per veure la lletra)
Partiré de sonrisas de madre
Partiré de la calle ilusión
Partiré de sonrisas de madre
Partiré de la calle ilusión
Vengo buscando senderos
Pa que tú no llores más
Vengo buscando caminos
Pa que tú no llores
Vengo buscando no vengo preparado
Vengo perdido en el mar del olvido
Vengo cansado, no vengo preparado
Vengo cansado, un poco harto de todo lo que ha pasado
Vengo perdido, remando en el mar del olvido
Partiré de sonrisas de madre
Partiré de la calle ilusión
Desde el río del Guadalquivir
Hasta el pegamento de las favelas
Son senderos, caminos,
Las puertas que te cierran que te abren amigos
Son senderos, caminos
Las puertas que te cierran que te abren amigos
Caminando camelando
Ay la rica negra
Rumbeando va cantando
Hacia el huauanco
Caminando camelando
La rica negra
Rumbeando va cantando
Hacia el huanaco
Partiré de sonrisas de madre
Partiré de la calle ilusión
Desde el río del Guadalquivir
Hasta el pegamento de las favelas
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dijous, 17 de juliol del 2008
John Martyn - May you never
Avui en Kalessin m'ha fet una recomanació molt bona que me la guardaré ja que fa poc vam posar una cançó del mateix autor. Queda a la queue de les pendents :D (serà per queues)
John Martyn - May you never (clica per veure la lletra)
your just like a great strong brother of mine and you know that i love you true
You never talk dirty behind my back and i know there are those that do
won't you please, won't you please, won't you bear in mind
love is a lesson to learn in our time
won't you please won't please won't you bear in mind for me
may you never lay your head down without a hand to hold
may you never make your bed out in the cold
and your just like a good close sister me and you know that i love you true
you hold no blade to stab me in the back and i know that some do
won't you please won't you please won't you bear in mind
love is a lesson to learn time
won't you please won't you please won't you bear it mind for me
May you never lay your head down without a hand to hold
May you never make your bed out in the cold
May you never lose your temper if you get hit in a bar room fight
May you never lose your woman over night
May you never lay your head down without a hand to hold
May you never make your bed out in the cold
May you never lose your temper if you get hit in a bar room fight
May you never lose your woman over night x3
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dimecres, 16 de juliol del 2008
dimarts, 15 de juliol del 2008
Razorlight - Back to the start
Razorlight - Back to the start (clica per veure la lletra)
Back to the start
Back to the start again I go
Back to the start
Back to the start again
And I don't know why
I feel this way
But I couldn't stay here for
One more day
I go back to the start
Before I loose my mind
Mary got the message
It was Monday morning
Five o'clock
Well, she put it in her pocket, yeah
Calling for the boys
But the boys don't stop
I walk into the bedroom
You could say yes
You could say no
I could take it easy
Because you can take me
Back to the start
Lonely day at the railway station
You go to London
You leave me here to test my patience
I don't know why I feel this way
But I couldn't stay here
For one more day
I go back to the start
Before I loose my mind
Back to the, back to the,
Back to the start
Back to the, back to the,
Back to the s-s-s
I don't know why
I feel this way
But I couldn't stay here for
One more day
But I go back to the start
Before I loose my mind
Back to the, back to the,
Back to the... start
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dilluns, 14 de juliol del 2008
Tan Dun - The eternal vow
Gran Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (臥虎藏龍)
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diumenge, 13 de juliol del 2008
Morcheeba - Over and over
Després d'uns dies sense dir ni piu, el solde torna amb una altra recomanació :D
Morcheeba - Over and over (clica per veure la lletra)
Waking to these sounds again
I wonder how I'll sleep
Passing out is taking off into the stubborn deep
I'd like to meet a human who makes it all seem clear
To work out all these cycles and why I'm standing here
I'm falling
Over and over and over and over again now
Calling and over and over and over and over again now
Running through my life right now
I don't regret a thing
The things I do just make me laugh and make me wanna drink
I'd like to meet a mad man who makes it all seem sane
[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/bss ]
To work out all these troubles and what there is to gain
I'm falling
Over and over and over and over again now
Calling and over and over and over and over again now
Projecting what I want is always hard to know
But when it comes between my sights I'll let the damage show
I'd like to meet a space man, who's got it going on
Sailing through the stars at night 'til our world is gone
I'm falling
Over and over and over and over again now
Calling and over and over and over and over again now
Over and over and over and over again now
Calling and over and over and over and over again now
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dissabte, 12 de juliol del 2008
Edith Piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien
Tot i que les exigències d'acomplir la política FIFO de la queue han fet que a hores d'ara ja no sigui a París, la recomanació de l'Ia no és menys vàlida :D
Edith Piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien (clica per veure la lletra)
Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien
ni le bien qu`on m`a fait, ni le mal
tout ca m`est bien egal
non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien
c`est paye, balaye, oublie, je me fous du passe
Avec mes souvenirs j`ai allume le feu
mes shagrins, mes plaisirs,
je n`ai plus besoin d`eux
balaye les amours avec leurs tremolos
balaye pour toujours
je reparas a zero
Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien
ni le bien qu`on m`a fait, ni le mal
tout ca m`est bien egal
non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien
car ma vie, car me joies
aujourd`hui ca commence avec toi
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divendres, 11 de juliol del 2008
La troba kung-fú - Calor, Calor
Seguint amb la queue de recomanacions avui una de la Núria. El títol resulta més que encertat.
La troba kung-fú - Calor, Calor (clica per veure la lletra)
Calor, calor
Que em falta calor
Acosta’t una mica per favor!!
L’alchol que em baixa ja no em crema
Que a l’entranya hi tinc una pedra
Pedra de gel feta de pena
Ja no li cau ni una llagrimeta
Nano tu ets jove!! Em diuen veuetes
Per veure els dies passar tan ràpid
Acava el trago I aixeca la vista
I surt al carrer I busca qui t’estima
Però jo tot iaio plè de cabories
Menjant cigarros I a la meva olla
Donant-m’he brasa sense profit
Sempre m’explico deu mil histories
I em dic que jo puc que no sóc poruc
Però el fred de peus em fa sentir sirenes
Cada sirena pel que he perdut
A tots els trens als que he dat l’esquena
Que no sóc gat I a mi em falten vides
El fred em pela I m’esqueixa a tires
Calor, calor
Que em falta calor
Acosta’t una mica per favor!!
Però dins el glaç el meu cor batega
Bombeja sang a ritme de fera
I el fred de peus ara pica al terra
I el canigó se m’ha tornat cascada
I canto blues en llengua bastarda
Perque ell té mare però qui sap el pare
I donc les gràcies perque respiro
I vull estimar tot allò que miro
Trobo al sereno al carrer mullat
Que és el tanguero de les altes hores
Que canta sol amb l’orquestra mora
I dóna avis al qui escolta senya
I dóna senya al niu de la pena
Que no hi ha roca que l’aigua no mogui
Que la cançó és per qui la canti
I la guitarra és per qui la toqui.
Que no sóc gat I a mi em falten vides
Però no tinc fred ja no m’esqueixo a tires
Calor, calor
Que em falta calor
Acosta’t una mica per favor!!
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dijous, 10 de juliol del 2008
Jack Johnson - Belle
Comando S.O.S al rescate!
Aprofito que se m'ha encarregat la missió d'actualitzar avui per a posar una cançó de Jack Johnson. Així mostro la meva indignació per la falta d'atenció d'en brufus cap aquest artista quan fa tot just 1 setmana i mitja que va venir a tocar a Badalona. Trio aquesta cançó perquè té part de la lletra en francès, per no trencar aquest "cicle" que ha creat en brufus.
Jack Johnson - Belle (clica per veure la lletra)
Oi lienda
Bella che fa?
Bonita, bonita que tal?
But belle
Je ne comprend pas francais
So you’ll have to speak to me
Some other way
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dimecres, 9 de juliol del 2008
Les blérots de R.A.V.E.L - Les p'tits plaisirs
Les blérots de R.A.V.E.L - Les p'tits plaisirs (clica per veure la lletra)
A ce promener sur le quai, quand il pleut depuis le mois de mai,
dire bonjour aux bateaux-mouche
qui sont gavés de mecs louches,
qui, tassés comme des larves grouillent,
finiront tous homme-grenouille,
et repartiront là-bas,
des souvenirs pleins les bras.
A faire le tour de la Terre, accroupi sur son derrière, faire semblant de voyager,
en gardant les bras croisés, traverser les océans,
vers de nouveaux continents, en faisant des mots croisés, abruti devant sa télé.
(Refrain :)
Les p'tits plaisirs de la vie
Sur Terre
Les p'tits plaisirs de la vie
Mon cher
Aller vivre à la campagne,
quand la ville roule au butane.
Vivre en plein milieu des champs,
loin des villes et loin des gens.
Piétiner les OGM,
là où parfois les gens sèment
La tempête récolte le vent,
rat des villes et rat des champs.
Les P'tits plaisirs de la vie
Sur Terre
Les P'tits plaisirs de la vie
Mon cher
Aller vivre dans l'espace,
quand il n'y aura plus de place,
quand il n'y aura plus d'oiseaux,
que des poubelles et des mégots,
Et se promener sur la lune,
sur ses cratères et ses dunes,
faire l'amour dans l'atmosphère,
avec la tête à l'envers.
Les P'tits plaisirs de la vie
Sur Terre
Les P'tits plaisirs de la vie Mon cher
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dimarts, 8 de juliol del 2008
Noir Désir - À l'envers à l'endroit
Ja parlo el gabatxo que dóna gust de sentir-me.
Noir Désir - À l'envers à l'endroit (clica per veure la lletra)
On n'est pas encore revenu du pays des mystères
Il y a qu'on est entré là sans avoir vu de la lumière
Il y a là l'eau le feu le computer, Vivendi et la terre
On doit pouvoir s'épanouir à tout envoyer enfin en l'air
On peut toujours saluer les petits rois de pacotille
On peut toujours espérer entrer un jour dans la famille
Sûr que tu pourras devenir un crach boursier à toi tout seul
On pourrait meme envisager que tout nous explose à la gueule
Autour des oliviers palpitent les origines
Infiniment se voir rouler dans la farine
À l'envers à l'endroit, à l'envers à l'endroit
À l'endroit à l'envers, à l'envers à l'endroit
Y'a t'il un incendie prévu ce soir dans l'hémicycle
On dirait qu'il est temps pour nous d'envisager un autre cycle
On peut caresser des idéaux sans s'éloigner d'en bas
On peut toujours rever de s'en aller mais sans bouger de là
Il paraît que la blanche colombe a trois cents tonnes de plombs dans l'aile
Il paraît qu'il faut s'habituer à des printemps sans hirondelle
La belle au bois dormant a rompu les négociations
Unilatéralement le prince entame des protestations
Doit-on se courber encore et toujours pour une ligne droite ?
Prière pour trouver les grands espaces entre les parois d'une boîte
Serait-ce un estuaire ou le bout du chemin au loin qu'on entrevoit
Spéciale dédicace à la flaque où on nage, où on se noie
Autour des amandiers fleurissent les mondes en sourdine
No pasaran sous les fourches caudines
À l'envers à l'endroit, à l'envers à l'endroit
À l'endroit à l'envers, à l'envers à l'endroit
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dilluns, 7 de juliol del 2008
Buena Vista Social Club - El cuarto de la Tula
En Rayuela ahir li volia regalar aquesta cançó a La noia de Vidre... Però va haver-hi un problema de JetLag i no va sortir del tot bé ;) Felicitats a ambdós.
Buena Vista Social Club - El cuarto de la Tula (clica per veure la lletra)
En el barrio La Cachimba se ha formado la corredera.
All fueron los bomberos con sus campanas, sus sirenas.
All fueron los bomberos con sus campanas, sus sirenas.
Ay mama, qu pas? Ay, mam! qu pas?
Al cuarto de Tula, le cogi candela.
Se qued dormida y no apag la vela.
Que llamen a Ibrahim Ferrer, que busquen a los bomberos!
Que yo creo que Tula lo que quiere es que le apaguen el fuego.
Ay, por ah viene Eliades, en tremenda corredera.
Viene a observar el cuarto de Tula que ha cogido candela.
Carlos y Marcos estn mirando este fuego.
Si ahora no se apaga, se apaga luego, candela.
Puntillita, ve y busca a Marco', pa' que busque al Sierra Maestra.
Que vengan para ac rapido que la Tula, mira cogi candela.
Hey, Marcos, coge pronto el cubito y no te quedes all fuera.
Llnalo de agua y ven a apagar el cuarto de Tula, que ha cogido candela.
Tula est encendida Llama a los bomberos!
T eres candela afina los cueros!
Candela, muchacho
Se volvi loco, Barbarito, Hay que ingresarlo!
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diumenge, 6 de juliol del 2008
Carla Bruni - Raphaël
Primera actualització des de l'estranger. Primera decepció: no ha vingut a rebre'm la Carla a l'aeroport.
Carla Bruni - Raphaël (clica per veure la lletra)
Quatre consonnes et trois voyelles
C'est le prénom de Raphaël
Je le murmure à mon oreille
Et chaque lettre m'émerveille
C'est le tréma qui m'ensorcelle
Dans le prénom de Raphaël
Comme il se mêle au a au e,
Comme il les entre-mêle au l
Raphaël à l'air d'un ange
Mais c'est un diable de l'amour
Du bout des hanches
Et de son regard de velours
Quand il se penche
Quand il se penche mes nuits sont blanches
Et pour toujours
J'aime les notes au goût de miel
Dans le prénom de Raphaël
Je les murmure à mon réveil
Entre les plumes du sommeil
Et pour que la journée soit belle
Je me parfume Raphaël
Peau de chagrin pâtre éternel
Archange étrange d'un autre ciel
Pas de délice pas d'étincelle
Pas de malice sans Raphaël
Les jours sans lui deviennent ennui
Et mes nuits s'ennuient de plus belle
Pas d'inquiétude pas de prélude
Pas de promesse à l'éternel
Juste le monde dans notre lit
Juste nos vies en arc en ciel
Raphaël a l'aire d'un sage
Et ses paroles sont de velours
De sa voix grave
Et de son regard sans détour
Quand il raconte
Quand il invente je peux l'écouter
Nuit et jour
Quatre consonnes et trois voyelle
C'est le prénom de Raphaël
Je lui murmure à son oreille
Ca le fait rire comme un soleil
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dissabte, 5 de juliol del 2008
Joe Purdy - Wash way
Joe Purdy - Wash way (clica per veure la lletra)
I got troubles oh, but not today
Cause they're gonna wash away
They're gonna wash away
And I have sins Lord, but not today
Cause they're gonna wash away
They're gonna wash away
And I had friends oh, but not today
Cause they're done washed away
They're done washed away
And oh, I've been cryin'
And oh, I've been cryin'
And oh, no more cryin'
No, no more cryin' here
We get along Lord, but not today
Cause we gonna wash away
We gonna wash away
And I got troubles oh, but not today
Cause they gonna wash away
This old heart gonna take them away
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divendres, 4 de juliol del 2008
La brigada - Com fulles mortes
La brigada - Com fulles mortes (clica per veure la lletra)
Ha de passar, tot haurà de passar
I en el fons de tu no dependrà
I ja ho sé...
Si ara estem junts és per treure'n profit
Això a crits no es podia arreglar
Però si a l'estiu veus que al marge del riu
Cauen fulles i ho fan a grapats
Pensa que l'arbre sóc jo
Que no m'adapto al temps
I que em vull fer notar
Puc dir-t'ho lent i més clar
Ja va passant, ara ja va passant
I en el fons de mi ja no depèn
I saps que...
Les circumstàncies m'han dut a pensar
En la cançó que per tu ara estic fent
Però si a l'estiu veus que al marge del riu
Cauen fulles i ho fan a grapats
Pensa que l'arbre sóc jo
Que no m'adapto al temps
I que em vull fer notar
Puc dir-t'ho lent i més clar
Puc dir-t'ho lent i més clar
Puc dir-t'ho lent i més clar
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dijous, 3 de juliol del 2008
Nouvelle Vague - Ever fallen in love
Avui l'Ia ens recomana aquesta cançó ;)
Nouvelle Vague - Ever fallen in love (clica per veure la lletra)
You spurn my natural emotions
You make me feel like dirt
And I'm hurt
And if I start a commotion
I run the risk of losing you
And that's worse
Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn't've fallen in love with
I can't see much of a future
Unless we find out what's to blame
What a shame (oh what a shame)
And we can't be together
Until we realize that we are the same
Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn't've fallen in love with
Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn't've fallen in love with
Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn't've fallen in love with
Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn't've fallen in love with
You disturb my natural emotions
You make me feel like dirt
And I'm hurt
And if I start a commotion
I'll only end up losing you
And that's worse
Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn't've fallen in love with
Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn't've fallen in love with
La la la la la la...
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dimecres, 2 de juliol del 2008
Tracy Chapman - Telling stories
Sí! La Cristina Palomeque s'ha aficionat a earenjoy! Ja està atrapada!
Tracy Chapman - Telling stories (clica per veure la lletra)
There is fiction in the space between
The lines on your page of memories
Write it down but it doesnt mean
Youre not just telling stories
There is fiction in the space between
You and me
There is fiction in the space between
You and reality
You will do and say anything
To make your everyday life
Seem less mundane
There is fiction in the space between
You and me
Theres a science fiction in the space between
You and me
A fabrication of a grand scheme
Where I am the scary monster
I eat the city and as I leave the scene
In my spaceship I am laughing
In your remembrance of your bad dream
Theres no one but you standing
Leave the pity and the blame
For the ones who do not speak
You write the words to get respect and compassion
And for posterity
You write the words and make believe
There is truth in the space between
There is fiction in the space between
You and everybody
Give us all what we need
Give us one more sad sordid story
But in the fiction of the space between
Sometimes a lie is the best thing
Sometimes a lie is the best thing
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