Ahir m'hi van fer pensar, i em van demanar la cançó. Poder ja no cal. Ara que acaba una etapa, però, cal pensar en totes les coses que has viscut al llarg d'aquest temps. Un balanç més que positiu!
RoverWay 2003 - People in motion (clica per veure la lletra)
When you start to ask yourself
All the things that life could be,
You won’t really find an answer
Just take the chance and try
Start the journey of a life
Look around you – there’s others
Feeling quite the same as you.
All together we will be…people in motion.
[Don’t you stand out there alone
Here’s the challenge you’ve been looking for;
Get committed and take a step
You can make the difference !] (Bis)
Once you start to share you’ll see
All the difference you can make
There’s a reason to be here :
Life will change because of you.
The future depends on you
Take the message home and act
You’ve made the dream come true
Show how others can do that
All around the world you’ll find…people in motion.
Não fiques p’r’aí sozinho
É o desafio que tu procuravas !
Agarra esta oportunidade,
Tu podes fazer a diferença.
3 comentaris:
Quins bons records la Rover....amb el Hugosao, el Filipe, el Brazosao, les del Maragall, els del Serra de Marina, la calor assasina... JOan Joseppe, JOan, Joseppe..jejejeje.
Quina enveja que em fan els que van a Londres aquest any!!!!
No la coneixía però pel que es veu entre vosaltes te molt de significata aquesta canço
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