diumenge, 31 de juliol del 2011
dissabte, 30 de juliol del 2011
dijous, 28 de juliol del 2011
Sopa de cabra - El far del sud
Sopa de cabra - El far del sud (clica per veure la lletra)
La va trobar, a una sala mig buida
Buscant un somni, fugint del dolor
Entrant pels ulls, va sentir mil espurnes
aquella història va canviar-li el món
Va perdre-ho tot, la partida i la vida
cada ciutat li esmicolava el cor
Només el far del sud, ell es mira
segueix la flama fins que res no es mou
I empeny el sol, tan bruna, tan forta i prohibida
i es descorda la brusa, el seu cos un somriure viu
Et donaria amor si puguéssis tornar-me'n
et donaria amor si ens poguéssim mirar
et donaria el món si puguessis parlar-me
ho donaria tot si et pogués estimar
Tantes nits va pagar per tenir-la
Tantes excuses per anar tot sól
Però cada cop amb un plor la perdia
la llum s'apaga quan la sort es pon
I el seu record s'estimba en ciutats adormides
I somia fins l'alba el seu far sense vida, trist
Et donaria amor si puguéssis tornar-me'n
et donaria amor si ens poguéssim mirar
et donaria el món si puguessis parlar-me
ho donaria tot si et pogués estimar
Tremolant, poc a poc surt del cine
sessió de nit, avui ja és l'últim dia
s'endú el cartell, arriba a casa i l'espia
l'habitació es transforma en un món nou
I li escriu cent mil cartes, la busca i viatja
i el seu cente s'escapa, perd l'ordre i la casa
I apaga el sol, tan bruna, tan feble i prohibida
i s'enfonsa en les ombres, el seu cos un somriure viu
Et donaria amor si puessis tornar-me'n
et donaria amor si pugués ser veritat
et donaria el món si puguéssis parlar-me
ho donaria tot si et pogués estimar
Et donaria amor
Et donaria el món si poguéssis mirar
Et donaria amor si vulguessis quedar-te
Ho donaria tot si et pogués estimar
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dimecres, 27 de juliol del 2011
Tom Waits - Fannin Street
Tom Waits - Fannin Street (clica per veure la lletra)
There's a crooked street in Houston town,
It's a well born path I've traveled down
Now there's ruin in my name, I wish I never got off the train,
I wished I'd listened to the words you said.
Don't go down to Fannin Street
Don't go down to Fannin Street
Don't go down to Fannin Street
You'll be lost and never found
You can never turn around
Don't go down to Fannin Street
Once I held you in my arms, I was sure
But I took that silent stare through the guilded door
The desire to have much more, all the glitter and the roar,
I know this is where the sidewalk ends.
Don't go down to Fannin Street
Don't go down to Fannin Street
Don't go down to Fannin Street
You'll be lost and never found
You can never turn around
Don't go down to Fannin Street
When I was young I thought only of getting out
I said goodbye to my street, goodbye to my house
Give a man gin, give a man cards, give an inch he takes a yard,
And I rue the day that I stepped off this train.
Don't go down to Fannin Street
Don't go down to Fannin Street
Don't go down to Fannin Street
You'll be lost and never found
You can never turn around
Don't go down to Fannin Street.
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dilluns, 25 de juliol del 2011
Kinks - Death of a clown
Kinks - Death of a clown (clica per veure la lletra)
My makeup is dry and it clags on my chin
I'm drowning my sorrows in whisky and gin
The lion tamer's whip doesn't crack anymore
The lions they won't fight and the tigers won't roar
So let's all drink to the death of a clown
Won't someone help me to break up this crown
Let's all drink to the death of a clown
Let's all drink to the death of a clown
The old fortune teller lies dead on the floor
Nobody needs fortunes told anymore
The trainer of insects is crouched on his knees
And frantically looking for runaway fleas
Let's all drink to the death of a clown
So won't someone help me to break up this crown
Let's all drink to the death of a clown
Let's all drink to the death of a clown
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diumenge, 24 de juliol del 2011
Radiohead - Lucky
Radiohead - Lucky (clica per veure la lletra)
I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll
This time, I feel my luck could change
Kill me Sarah, kill me again with love
It's gonna be a glorious day
Pull me out of the aircrash
Pull me out of the wake
I'm your superhero
We are standing on the edge
The Head of State has called for me by name
But I don't have time for him
It's gonna be a glorious day
I feel my luck could change
Pull me out of the aircrash
Pull me out of the wake
I'm your superhero
We are standing on the edge
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divendres, 22 de juliol del 2011
Arcade Fire - Intervention
recomanació de la berta.
Arcade Fire - Intervention (clica per veure la lletra)
The king's taken back the throne
The useless seed is sown
When they say they're cutting off the phone
I'll tell 'em you're not home
No place to hide
You were fighting as a soldier on their side
You're still a soldier in your mind
Though nothing's on the line
You say it's money that we need
As if we're only mouths to feed
I know no matter what you say
There are some debts you'll never pay
Working for the church
While your family dies
You take what they give you
And you keep it inside
Every spark of friendship and love
Will die without a home
Hear the soldier groan, "We'll go at it alone"
I can taste the fear
Gonna lift me up and take me out of here
Don't wanna fight, don't wanna die
Just wanna hear you cry
Who's gonna throw the very first stone?
Oh! Who's gonna reset the bone?
Walking with your head in a sling
Wanna hear the soldier sing
Working for the Church
While my family dies
Your little baby sister's
Gonna lose her mind
Every spark of friendship and love
Will die without a home
Hear the soldier groan, "We'll go at it alone"
I can taste your fear
It's gonna lift you up and take you out of here
And the bone shall never heal
I care not if you kneel
We can't find you now
But they're gonna get their money back somehow
And when you finally disappear
We'll just say that you were never here
Been working for the church
While your life falls apart
Singing hallelujah with the fear in your heart
Every spark of friendship and love
Will die without a home
Hear the soldier groan, "We'll go at it alone"
Hear the soldier groan, "We'll go at it alone"
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dimecres, 20 de juliol del 2011
Manel - Benvolgut
recomanació de la núria!
Manel - Benvolgut (clica per veure la lletra)
Benvolgut, permet-me suposar
Que, malgrat que no haguem gaudit de presentació oficial,
Més o menys, així com jo, estàs assabentat
De la meva existència, de les coses que faig.
Benvolgut, jo ho reconec, què hi faré, covard de mi,
No és que siguis cada tarda el meu tema preferit,
Vostres són les promeses que ningú ja complirà,
Vostres les nits que els telèfons no paraven de sonar.
Però sí que et vaig veient en discos que al final no et vas endur
I alguns quina meravella, i alguns que mai tindràs prou lluny,
Benvolgut, i en un somriure que fa sola caminant
I en aquella foto antiga oblidada en un calaix:
Heu parat una furgoneta aprofitant la vista privilegiada d'una ciutat.
Tu assenyales l'absis romànic d'una catedral i sou joves i forts!
I sentiu l'eternitat al vostre davant!
I, benvolgut, ni sospiteu que gent com jo
Estem esperant.
I que simpàtics que se us veu, i quin mal devia fer,
I m'ho imagino -o ho intento- i t'asseguro que comprenc
Que encara avui, sense remei, tot trontolli un segon
Quan un amic, amb bona fe, pronuncia el vostre nom.
Però vull pensar que tot va bé i que no enyores aquells temps,
Que fins i tot en recordar no saps per què però estàs content
I vas veient coses pel món que t'estan agradant tant
I agraeixes que entre els dos em féssiu créixer amagat.
Amagat en mentidetes, en dubtes emprenyadors,
En cada intuïció fugaç d'una vida millor,
Amagat en "som molt joves per tenir res massa clar",
Amagat en "no sé què és, però, nena, no puc respirar".
Ai, benvolgut, que estrany si un dia et van fer mal
El meu amor, la meva sort, les meves mans
O el meu dit resseguint-li la columna vertebral!
Benvolgut, que ha arribat i es vol quedar!
Ai aquests dits, no són senzills, de gent com jo
Que estava esperant.
Benvolgut, ho deixo aquí, que sé que ets un home ocupat.
Suposo que és moment d'acomiadar-me esperant
No haver-te emprenyat massa, no haver semblat un boig,
Que la força ens acompanyi, adéu, fins sempre, sort!
Per si un dia ens creuem ja em disculpo, que em conec,
Faré d'home seriós, esperaré darrere dret
Mentre tu li fas brometa, "veig que ara els busques alts",
Mentre tu et reivindiques com molt més elegant.
Farem adéu i marxarem i ella em dirà que t'ha vist vell
I, pas a pas, ja estaràs tan lluny
Com el cretí que abans d'entrar a Història li tocava el cul
Arrambant-la contra els arbres del costat d'un institut.
Ai, pobrets meus, com s'haguessin espantat,
Si entre els matolls, sortim tu i jo dient
"ei, aquí els senyors, estem esperant.
Xicots, aneu fent lloc,
Que estem esperant".
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dimarts, 19 de juliol del 2011
Brand New - Jude Law and a Semester Abroad
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dilluns, 18 de juliol del 2011
Billy Joel - She's always a woman
Ahir, escoltant Manel, em van venir al cap el Rayuela i la Noia de Vidre...I avui, fixa't tu quina casualitat, la Noia de Vidre deixa un comentari i demana dedicar-li una cançó a en Rayuela!!! Quines coses!
Billy Joel - She's always a woman (clica per veure la lletra)
She can kill with a smile
She can wound with her eyes
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child,
But she's always a woman to me
She can lead you to love
She can take you or leave you
She can ask for the truth
But she'll never believe you
And she'll take what you give her, as long as it's free
Yeah, she steals like a thief
But she's always a woman to me
Oh--she takes care of herself
She can wait if she wants
She's ahead of her time
Oh--and she never gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes her mind
And she'll promise you more
Than the Garden of Eden
Then she'll carelessly cut you
And laugh while you're bleedin'
But she'll bring out the best
And the worst you can be
Blame it all on yourself
Cause she's always a woman to me
Oh--she takes care of herself
She can wait if she wants
She's ahead of her time
Oh--and she never gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes her mind
She is frequently kind
And she's suddenly cruel
She can do as she pleases
She's nobody's fool
And she can't be convicted
She's earned her degree
And the most she will do
Is throw shadows at you
But she's always a woman to me
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dissabte, 16 de juliol del 2011
divendres, 15 de juliol del 2011
Blind melon - Walk
Blind melon - Walk (clica per veure la lletra)
Find myself singing the same songs everyday
Ones that make me feel good
When things behing the smiles ain't okay
Around and over and in-between the seas
I need to be on top of a mountain
Where I can be see everything
Cause this paranoia's getting old
Now as I open my eyes to start another day
I'm in a pile of puke
Empty bag of execuses
My love for friends and family
you know I need them
And under a sun that's seen it all before
My feet are so cold
And I can't believe that I have to bang my head against this wall again
But the blows they have just a little more space in-between them
Gonna take a breath and try again.
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dimecres, 13 de juliol del 2011
dilluns, 11 de juliol del 2011
Josh Ritter - Come And Find Me
Travis - Flowers in the window (clica per veure la lletra)
If I could trace the lines that ran
Between your smile and your sleight of hand
I would guess that you put something up my sleeve
Now every time I see your face the bells ring in a far-off place
We can find each other this way I believe
From the hills and up behind, my town
is naked from the horizon down
The curvature is pressed against the raise
We walked up in the fields alone
And the silence fell just like a stone
That got lost in the wild blue and the gravel grey
Come and find me now
Though I'm here in this far off place
My air is not this time and space
I draw you close with every breath
you don't know it's right until it's wrong
You don't know it's yours until it's gone
I didn't know that it was home ‘til you up and left
Come and find me now
I keep you in a flower vase
With your fatalism and your crooked face
With the daisies and the violet brocades
And I keep me in a vacant lot
In the ivy and forget-me-nots
Hoping you will come and untangle me one of these days
Come and find me now
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diumenge, 10 de juliol del 2011
dijous, 7 de juliol del 2011
Travis - Flowers in the window
recomanació de na Lena.
Travis - Flowers in the window (clica per veure la lletra)
When I first held you I was cold
A melting snowman I was told
But there was no-one there to hold
Before I swore that I would be alone forever more
Wow, look at you now
Flowers in the window
It's such a lovely day
And I'm glad that you feel the same
'Cos to stand up in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so let's watch the flowers grow
There is no reason to feel bad
But there are many seasons to feel glad, sad, mad
It's just a bunch of feelings that we have to hold
But I am here to help you with the load
Wow, look at you now
Flowers in the window
It's such a lovely day
And I'm glad that you feel the same
'Cos to stand up in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so let's watch the flowers grow
So now we're heer and now is fine
So far away from there
And there is time, time, time
To plant new seeds and watch them grow
So there'll be flowers in the window when we go
Wow, look at you now
Flowers in the window
It's such a lovely day
And I'm glad that you feel the same
'Cos to stand up in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so let's watch the flowers grow
Wow, look at you now
Flowers in the window
It's such a lovely day
And I'm glad that you feel the same
'Cos to stand up in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so let's watch the flowers grow
Let's watch the flowers grow
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dimarts, 5 de juliol del 2011
Ben Harper - Pray that our love sees the dawn
Ben Harper - Pray that our love sees the dawn (clica per veure la lletra)
Silence is the hammer of betrayal
Upon love's coffin for the final nail
Disguised as one another for so long now
I try to be myself but I forget how
Pray that our love sees the dawn
Pray that our love sees the dawn
My last line of defense is gone
Pray that our love sees the dawn
Homeless family stands outside the church house
Trying so hard to believe
Desperately waiting for an answer
To the candle they lit to add their grief
Pray that our love sees the dawn
Pray that our love sees the dawn
The conspiracy of whispers are not wrong
Pray that our love sees the dawn
Pray that it goes for my pain
Pray that it echo for the sound of my name
And if our love was just a burning flame
We could melt away all of our blame
Pray that our love sees the dawn
Pray that our love sees the dawn
We've knocked our bones together for so long
Pray that our love sees the dawn
Pray that our love sees the dawn
Pray that our love sees the dawn
Our last line of defense is gone
Pray that our love sees the dawn
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dilluns, 4 de juliol del 2011
The Swell Season - The Rain
agüí, va per la Sònia
The Swell Season - The Rain (clica per veure la lletra)
Just before the rain came down
The sun came out at last
And as for all assumptions made
Questions never asked
I know we're not where I promised you we'd be by now
But maybe it's a question of who'd want it anyhow
Even now the rainbow's end seems closer to your hand
And is it knowing when to stop the measure of the man
Ok we're not what I promised you we would become
But maybe it's a question of how much you'd really want
Have you had enough?
Had enough?
There's plenty more where that came from now
Are you feeling bought?
Swallowed up?
We got hours on you now
Just before the rain came down
The sun came out at last
And as for all assumptions made
Questions never asked
Ok I'm not what I promised you I would become
I know we're not what I promised you we'd be by now
Have you had enough?
Had enough?
There's plenty more where that came from now
You feeling bought?
Swallowed up?
We got hours on you now
You still on top?
Still crawling up?
We got hours on you now
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divendres, 1 de juliol del 2011
Jaymay - Sycamore down
Jaymay - Sycamore down (clica per veure la lletra)
oul map on the wall might've
Listened to the children sing
Sycamore down and the
Ground was glistening
But you were never good
You were never good
What might you say if
You could tell me anything
Love saves the day
Love will say everything
Just one thing at a time
One thing at a time
Now my love
I'm just a cloud
I'm not proud of how I've
Been dealing with this
No one's allowed
Into my world
To see how I'm feeling
And if this isn't love
What is love
If this isn't love?
'Cause soul map on the wall might've
Listened to the children sing
Sycamore down and the
Ground was glistening
But you were never good
You were never good
At anything at all
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