dilluns, 31 d’agost del 2009
diumenge, 30 d’agost del 2009
John Frusciante - Time tonight
John Frusciante - Time tonight (clica per veure la lletra)
For changing lines
I've got no time tonight
In these times the wind surpasses the tide
when the wake ups hard to find
dreams make up for your life
This crazy shine it never lets you die
Going up
We become what we want
Again the moon rises up too high
And we don't need the sky
Wonder what it is that makes the world turn slower
wonder what it is that makes me feel so mad
everyone that talks to me I so wish wouldn't
I wouldn't even care exept I feel so bad
why is there noone in my life
there's no time tonight
there's no room to see wide
There's no time tonight
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dissabte, 29 d’agost del 2009
Manel - Nit freda per ser abril
a casa de nou. nit de retrobament amb els amics i de tornar a xerrar en català després de 15 dies sense fer-ho.
Manel - Nit freda per ser abril (clica per veure la lletra)
La Maria i el Marcel, de costat en una barra.
Es miren i fan glopets a les respectives canyes.
Ell vesteix tot de vermell, ahhhhh.
Ella emplena un crucigrama, ahhhhh.
Ai, Maria,
Ai, Marcel,
Qui s’acosta a parlar amb l’altre? Qui s’arrisca a fracassar?
Qui saltarà sense xarxa?
Ell la vol treure a ballar, ahhhh.
Ella se’l vol endur a casa, ahhhhhh.
Et convidaria a vi, seria dolç, seria amable.
Si volguessis seure amb mi, quin moment més agradable!
Tancaríem el local, ahhhhh,
La nit seria tan llarga i marxaríem els dos junts d’aquesta ciutat tan rara.
I tindríem fills ben forts i una casa amb balconada.
El Marcel allarga el braç, ahhhh.
La Maria somriu a l’aire, ahhhh.
Però, l’estona ha anat passant, i no troben les paraules.
Ell demà serà capaç.
Ella demà estarà més guapa.
És nit freda per ser abril,
No s’està enlloc com a casa (x8)
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divendres, 28 d’agost del 2009
Los Tipitos - Mil horas
avui a casa
Los Tipitos - Mil horas (clica per veure la lletra)
Hace frio y estoy lejos de casa,
Hace tiempo que estoy
centado sobre esta piedra.
Yo me pregunto
para que sirve las guerras?
Tengo un coete en el pantalon,
y vos estas tan fria,
como la nieve a mi alrededor,
Vos estas tan blanca,
que ya no se que hacer.
La otra noche te espere
bajo la lluvia
dos horas,
mil horas,
como un perro...
y cuando llegastes me mirastes
y me dijistes:
Loco estas mojado,
ya no te quiero.
En el circo vos ya sos una estrella,
una estrella roja que todos se la imaginan.
Si te preguntan,
vos no me conocias.
Tengo un coete en el pantalon,
y vos estas tan fria,
como la nieve a mi alrededor,
y vos estas tan blanca,
que ya no se que hacer.
La otra noche te espere
bajo la lluvia
dos horas,
mil horas,
como un perro...
Y cuando llegastes me mirastes
y me dijistes:
estas mojado ya no te quiero.
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dijous, 27 d’agost del 2009
Eläkeläiset - Humppaelämää
una de música finesa :) última nit.
Eläkeläiset - Humppaelämää (clica per veure la lletra)
Moskovassa kerran Vanja takaapäin mut yllätti
Kun kädet puuskassa se veti ripaskaa
Mutta huippukoulutuksen turvin
Mä viimetingassa sitä ohtaan humppakuviolla kalautin
Harlemissa kumiäijän kaamean mä kohtasin
Se päällään pyörii ihan ihme väkkärää
Loppui näytös siihen paikkaan kun mä letkajenkalla
hieman kampasin sen tukkaa käkkärää
Lasersäde eilispäivän tekniikkaa
James Bondin auto Mosse ruosteinen
Meikäläisen varusteet puukko kehittää
Humpaten mä pelastan tän maailman
Olen humppatähti kansainvälinen
Seikkailusta seikkailuun näin tieni käy
Casinolla Monacon ja viidakossa Afrikan
Mä elän vaarallista humppaelämää
Saksalainen hirmu iso korsto kalju fasisti
Mut kerran Slagerillaan koitti kampittaa
Tajuttomaksi sen kolkkaisin
Kun ympärillään polkkasin
Ja uunin itsellensä käskin lämmittää
Lasersäde eilispäivän tekniikkaa
James Bondin auto Mosse ruosteinen
Meikäläisen varusteet puukko kehittää
Humpaten mä pelastan tän maailman
Olen humppatähti kansainvälinen
Seikkailusta seikkailuun näin tieni käy
Casinolla Monacon ja viidakossa Afrikan
Mä elän vaarallista humppaelämää
vaarallista humppaelämää
vaarallista humppaelämää
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dimecres, 26 d’agost del 2009
Ornatos Violeta i Gordon Gano - Capitão Romance
rocomanació de l'António.
Ornatos Violeta i Gordon Gano - Capitão Romance (clica per veure la lletra)
Nao vou procurar quem espero
Se o que eu quero é navegar
Pelo tamanho das ondas
Conto nao voltar
Parto rumo à Primavera
Que em meu fundo se escondeu
Esqueco tudo do que eu sou capaz
Hoje o mar sou eu
Esperam-me ondas que persistem
Nunca param de bater
Esperam-me homens que resistem
Antes de morrer
Por querer mais do que a vida
Sou a sombra do que eu sou
E ao fim nao toquei nem nada
Do que em mim tocou
Eu vi,mas nao agarrei
Eu vi,mas nao agarrei
Parto rumo à maravilha
Rumo à dor que houver p'ra vir
Se eu encontrar uma ilha
Paro p'ra sentir
E dar sentido à viagem
A sentir que eu sou capaz
Se o meu peito diz "Coragem!"
Volto a partir em paz
Eu vi,mas nao agarrei
Eu vi,mas nao agarrei
Eu vi,mas nao agarrei
Eu vi,mas nao agarrei
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dimarts, 25 d’agost del 2009
Zbigniew Preisner - Song For The Unification Of Europe (Julie's Version)
Zbigniew Preisner - Song For The Unification Of Europe (Julie's Version) (clica per veure la lletra)
Ean tais glosais toon antropoon lalo
kai toon angeloon,
agapen de me echo,
gegona chalcos echoon e kumbalon alaladzon.
Kai ean echo profeteian,
kai eido ta mysteria panta,
pistin ore metistanai,
agapen de me echo, outen eimi
He agape makrotumai, chresteuetai
he agape ou dzelloi, erpereuetai, ou fysioutai.
panta stegei, panta pisteuei, panta elpizei, panta upomenei.
He agape oudepotte piptei
eite de profeteiai, katargetezontai,
eite glosai, pausontai,
eite gnossis katargetesetai
Nuni de menei, pistis, elpis, agape,
ta tria tauta, meidzoon de toutoon, he agape.
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dilluns, 24 d’agost del 2009
Scarlett Johansson i Pete Yorn - Relator
Scarlett Johansson i Pete Yorn - Relator (clica per veure la lletra)
When I met you,
I didn't know what to do.
I was tired,
I was hungry,
I fight.
Now I'm away,
I write home everyday and I see you on the TV at night.
You can see that life's for us to talk about.
You can leave whenever you want out.
You don't relate to me,
no girl,
you don't respect to me,
no girl,
no girl. Oh yeah.
When I met you,
I didn't know what to do,
but I noticed that I didn't really feel.
Now you're away,
you write home everyday.
I don't beg,
I don't borrow,
I steal.
You don't think that life's for us to talk about.
You can leave whenever you want out,
you want out.
Well, you don't relate to me,
no girl.
You don't respect to me,
no girl.
(you can leave when ever you want out)
And you don't relate to me,
no girl.
And you don't respect me,
no girl.
(You can leave whenever you want out)
No you don't relate to me,
no girl.
And you don't respect me,
no girl.
No girl. Yeah.
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diumenge, 23 d’agost del 2009
Wolfmother - Joker & the thief
recomanació del kalessin.
Wolfmother - Joker & the thief (clica per veure la lletra)
I said the joker is a wanted man,
He makes his way all across the land,
See him sifting through the sand,
So I'll tell you all the story,
About the joker and the thief of the night,
Always laughing in the midst of power,
Always living in the final hour,
There is always sweet in the sour,
We are not goin' home,
Can you see the joker flying over,
As she's standing in the field of clover,
Watching out everyday?
I wonder what would happen if he took her away?
What you see well you might not know,
You get the feelin' comin' after the glow,
The vagabond is moving slow,
So I'll tell you all the story,
'bout the joker and the thief of the night,
All the people that he see in the night,
Hold their dreams up to the light,
The old beast is searching for sight,
We are not goin' home,
Can you see the joker flying over,
As she's standing in the field of clover,
Watching out everyday?
I wonder what would happen if he took her away?
Tell you the story 'bout the the joker and the thief,
I said, I'll tell you the story 'bout the the joker and the thief,
I said, I'll tell you the story 'bout the the joker and the thief,
Of the night
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dissabte, 22 d’agost del 2009
Violent Femmes - I know it's true but I'm sorry to say
Violent Femmes - I know its true but I'm sorry to say (clica per veure la lletra)
I know it's true, but I'm sorry to say
Yesterdays a day away.
Nothing I can do to make it stay like that.
Ain't that a fact.
I know it's true, but I'm sorry to say
I just can't handle things this way.
I know it's late, but I'd like to stay a while, see you smile.
Will you meet me in the morning, with sun fresh on the dew?
Will you meet me in the afternoon, made just for me and you?
Will you meet me in the evening, when the nighttime starts to crawl?
Will you meet me in the hall?
Will you meet me on the wall?
Will you meet me at all?
One more time, one more time.
Shaking up and down my spine.
Jump a rope or skip a line or two.
What can I do?
One more time, one more time.
Color flashing neon signs.
Advertising a friend of my distraction, latest attraction.
Oh my body has been punished.
Lord, I think I've had enough.
Oh my body has been punished
With too much and not enough.
Oh my body has been punished
And my mind can no longer bluff.
My mind is so unkind, my mind is so unkind.
It keeps me crying all the time.
I know it's true, but I'm sorry to say
Yesterdays a day away.
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divendres, 21 d’agost del 2009
Luar na lubre - Olla meu irmau
Luar na lubre - Olla meu irmau (clica per veure la lletra)
Olla meu irmao honrado, o que acontece con Daniel
Os que o tiñan desterrado agora falan ben del
O palurdo de alma lerda
O tendeiro desertor
O vinculeiro da merda, disfrazado de señor
O lerdo carca refrito, o monifate de entroido
O aprendiz de señorito, marqués de quero e non poido
O badoco endomingado
O franquista pousafol
O forricas desleigado, o pequeño burgués mol
O devoto do onanismo
O feligrés de pesebre
O tolleito de cinismo, o que dá gato por lebre
O rateiro do peirao
O refugallo incivil
Válense de Castelao para esconder a caste vil
Escoita puto nefando
Criado na servidume
Non pasará o contrabando dese teu noxento estrume
Grotesco escriba sandez
Inxertado nun raposo
Castelao nunca foi teu, porque Castelao é noso
I anque a ti che importe un pito
Sabrás que é cousa sabida
Que estás incurso en delito de apropriación indebida.
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dijous, 20 d’agost del 2009
Bruce Springsteen - Bobby Jean
recomanació de la Sònia i la dedica a l'Aina.
Bruce Springsteen - Bobby Jean (clica per veure la lletra)
Well I came by your house the other day, your
mother said you went away She said there was
nothing that I could have done There was nothing
nobody could say Me and you we've known each other
ever since we were sixteen I wished I would have
known I wished I could have called you Just to say
goodbye Bobby Jean
Now you hung with me when all the others turned
away turned up their nose We liked the same music
we liked the same bands we liked the same clothes
We told each other that we were the wildest, the
wildest things we'd ever seen Now I wished you
would have told me I wished I could have talked to
you Just to say goodbye Bobby Jean
Now we went walking in the rain talking about the
pain from the world we hid Now there ain't nobody
nowhere nohow gonna ever understand me the way you
did Maybe you'll be out there on that road
somewhere In some bus or train traveling along In
some motel room there'll be a radio playing And
you'll hear me sing this song Well if you do
you'll know I'm thinking of you and all the miles
in between And I'm just calling one last time not
to change your mind but just to say i miss you
baby, good luck good bye bobby jean
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dimecres, 19 d’agost del 2009
Bob Dylan - Knockin On Heavens Door
Pobret brufus, es veu que a Finlàndia l'internet fa fallida.... TEMAZO que faltava al blog!!!
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dimarts, 18 d’agost del 2009
Russian red - Kiss my elbow
Russian red - Kiss my elbow (clica per veure la lletra)
And every five minutes I look at the door
and I see you naked.
And theres a question that comes up to my mind
I wonder whether you are blind.
But if I try to find, itd be the same old story
time after time.
Oh, oh, show me your eyes, please do
Oh baby, show me your eyes.
And every five minutes I look at the door,
and there you are with your clothes on, you changed this time
now you are kissing my elbow, is that how you say it?
I really have doubts and questions about.
But if I try to find, itd be the same old story, story, story?
Oh, oh, show me your eyes, please do
Oh baby, show me your eyes.
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dilluns, 17 d’agost del 2009
Joaquín Sabina - Todavía una canción de amor
Joaquín Sabina - Todavía una canción de amor (clica per veure la lletra)
No te fíes si te juro que es imposible
no dudes de mi duda y mi quizás
el amor es igual que un imperdible
perdido en la solapa del azar
La luna toma el sol de madrugada
nunca jamás quiere decir tal vez
la muerte es un amante despechada
que juega sucio y no sabe perder
Estoy tratando de decirte que
me desespero de esperarte
que no salgo a buscarte porque se
que corro el riesgo de encontrarte
que me sigo mordiendo noche y día
las uñas del rencor
que te sigo debiendo todavía
una canción de amor.
No corras si te llamo de repente
no te vayas si te grito piérdete
a menudo los labios más urgentes
no tienen prisa dos besos después.
Se aferra el corazón a lo perdido
los ojos que no ven miran mejor
cantar es disparar contra el olvido
vivir sin ti es dormir en la estación.
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diumenge, 16 d’agost del 2009
Muchachito bombo infierno - Eima
Muchachito bombo infierno - Eima (clica per veure la lletra)
Hey, aún recuerdo aquel viernes
que te entró la pálida, casi sin poderme avisar
sujetándote la frente,
cuesta abajo, cuesta arriba se te hacía el caminar
no me des las gracias no,
yo lo hago por tí igual que tú lo harías por mi,
sin pedirlo y sin decirlo, aquí está mi hombro
si quieres echarte a dormir.
Eima cuanto quieras estate aquí
Eima no lo tienes que pedir
Eima cómo yo explicarte...
todo lo importante que significaste para mí
y el que no te quiera y te busque mal me encuentre a mí.
Hey, tú ya no te acuerdas, en la misma juerga y en distinto lugar
tuviste que salir por piernas, y sacarme para fuera para poder respirar
no me des las gracias no,
yo lo hago por tí igual que tú lo harías por mi,
sin pedirlo y sin decirlo, sin pagarlo aquí está mi hombro
si quieres echarte a dormir.
Más que el tiempo en bicicleta, corre el agua más que el vino
y siempre llega, más perduran los cariños, dan respiros
cuando aire se echa a faltar,
siempre dije que jamás jamás lo haría,
dudar de tu presencia de tu ausencia y tus venías
y a la hora de la verdad, si he dudao de tí o de mi misma,
no pongas más distancia cuando buscas cercanía.
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dissabte, 15 d’agost del 2009
The cat empire - Lonely moon
The cat empire - Lonely moon (clica per veure la lletra)
Girl in the park one day
Killing all the bugs on the pavement
Seems like she got a nasty streak
But she does it in a beautiful way
Like a bullet from a gun
She sparks and then she runs
The only thing she's sure of
Is that no one really understands
Sometimes ... talking about
Things just seem so strange
Lie awake in the lonely night
Things just seem so strange
Maybe it's all prearranged
Tears on an empty page
Look out the window see the full moon bloom and
This is what he says, Baby
Don't you worry
When you feel so lonely, cos
Everyone's lonely
They're all crazy too
Like their mothers
Like their fathers
Everyone's crazy
Under a lonely moon
Sometimes she gets this way
About her when she sways
Slips into a liquid tune
And vanishes away
And it's only for herself
She can't bring anyone else
Everyone's got a special box
That they keep on a dusty shelf
Such a beautiful dangerous thing
Beautiful and strange
Making love to the night itself
Beautiful and strange
Maybe it's all prearranged
Tears on an empty page
Look out the window see the full moon bloom and
This is what he says, Baby
Don't you worry
If people call you crazy, cos
Everyone's crazy
They're all lonely too
Like their mothers
Like their fathers
Everyone's crazy
Under a lonely moon
Don't you worry
When you feel so lonely, cos
Everyone's lonely
They're all crazy too
Like their mothers
Like their fathers
Everyone's lonely
Under a lonely moon
Don't you worry
If people call you crazy, cos
Everyone's crazy
They're all lonely too
Like their mothers
Like their fathers
Everyone's crazy
Under a lonely moon
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divendres, 14 d’agost del 2009
Ayo - Down on my knees
avui, després de molt dies, tinc el plaer de dir: una recomanació del solde.
Ayo - Down on my knees (clica per veure la lletra)
Do you really think she can love you more than me, do you really, really think so
Do you really think she can love you more than me, baby I know she won't
Cause I loved you, unconditionally, I gave you even more than ,I had to give
I was willing for you to die, cause you were more precious to me, than my own life
Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Please, please don't leave me
I won't believe, that you really, really, wanna leave me, just because of her
Have you forgot about, all the things, we've been through, she was not the one, who was there for you
See, I loved you unconditionally, I gave you even more than ,I had to give
I was willing for you to die, cause you were more precious to me, than my own life
Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Please, please don't leave me
Don't leave me, I'm begging, I love you, I need you, I'm dying, I'm crying, I'm begging,
Please love me
I love you, I love you, I'm begging, please love me, I'm begging, I'm begging, Please don't leave me, no, no, no, no, no
Down on my knees, I'm begging you...
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dijous, 13 d’agost del 2009
Milow - Ayo technology
recoamanació del Robert.
Milow - Ayo technology (clica per veure la lletra)
She work it girl, she work the pole
She break it down, she take it low
She fine as hell, she about the dough
She doing her thing out on the floor
Her money money, she makin' makin'
Look at the way she shakin'
Make you want to touch it, make you want to taste it
Have you lustin' for her, go crazy face it
She's so much more than you're used to
She know's just how to move to seduce you
She gone do the right thing and touch the right spot
Dance in you're lap till you're ready to pop
She always ready, when you want it she want it
Like a nympho, the info
I show you where to meet her
On the late night, till daylight the club jumpin'
If you want a good time, she gone give you what you want
Baby this a new age,
You like my new craze
Let's get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy,
Spotlights don't do you justice baby
Why don't you come over here, you got me saying
I'm tired of using technology,
Why don't you sit down on top of me
I'm tired of using technology
I need you right in front of me
In her fantasy, there's plain to see
Just how it be, on me, backstrokin',
Sweat soaking
All into my set sheets
When she ready to ride, I'm ready to roll
I'll be in this bitch till the club close
What should I do, one thing on all fours
Now that that shit should be against the law
Different style, different move,
Damn I like the way you move
Girl you got me thinking about,
All the things I do to you
Let's get it poppin' shorty
We can switch positions
From the couch to the counters in my kitchen
Baby this a new age,
You like my new craze
Let's get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy,
Spotlights don't do you justice baby
Why don't you come over here, you got me saying
I'm tired of using technology,
Why don't you sit down on top of me
I'm tired of using technology
I need you right in front of me
She wants it, she wants it
She wants it, I got to give it to her
She wants it, she wants it
She wants it, I got to give it to her
Baby this a new age,
You like my new craze
Let's get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy,
Spotlights don't do you justice baby
Why don't you come over here, you got me saying
I'm tired of using technology
I need you right in front of me
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dimecres, 12 d’agost del 2009
Cowboy Junkies - Speaking confidentialy
grup recomenat per l'Anònim(a).
Cowboy Junkies - Speaking confidentialy (clica per veure la lletra)
Speaking confidentially
the fire that burnt inside of me
has turned to ash the tortured tree
that grows beside the anguished sea
Speaking confidentially
Speaking metaphorically
the earth I trust beneath my feet
is moving now ever so slightly
I shift my feet but feel no relief
Speaking metaphorically
Speaking hypothetically
if the air you breathed was so unique
would you use it up to idly speak
or horde it for a rainy week
Speaking hypothetically
Speaking kind of cryptically
the sea that raged beside the tree
burning bright for all to see
it just might mean the most to me
Speaking kind of cryptically
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dimarts, 11 d’agost del 2009
Andreu Rife - Bona nit
Recomanació de l'Aina.
Andreu Rife - Bona nit (clica per veure la lletra)
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dilluns, 10 d’agost del 2009
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication
recomanació pendent a la queue...però problemes per penjar-la des de helsinki... estamon trabajando en ello
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication (clica per veure la lletra)
Psychic spies from china
Try to steal your minds elation
Little girls from sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
Its californication
Its the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the east
At least it settles in the final location
Its understood that hollywood
Sells californication
Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Celebrity skin is this your chin
Or is that war your waging
First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of californication
Dream of californication
Marry me girl be my fairy to the world
Be my very own constellation
A teenage bride with a baby inside
Getting high on information
And buy me a star on the boulevard
Its californication
Space may be the final frontier
But its made in a hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station
And alderons not far away
Its californication
Born and raised by those who praise
Control of population everybodys been there and
I dont mean on vacation
First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of californication
Dream of californication
Destruction leads to a very rough road
But it also breeds creation
And earthquakes are to a girls guitar
Theyre just another good vibration
And tidal waves couldnt save the world
From californication
Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Sicker than the rest
There is no test
But this is what youre craving
First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of californication
Dream of californication
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diumenge, 9 d’agost del 2009
La casa azul - Vull saber-ho tot de tu
no sé com ha anat la cosa... però les tres úniques cançons que tinc en català a l'mp3 són:
i aquesta... I clar... al final he acabat per escoltar-la.
La casa azul - Vull saber-ho tot de tu (clica per veure la lletra)
Necessito trobar, tots els misteris que t'han fet gran
Mirar-te sense parlar, atent a aquesta explosió de celebritat
Tu ets la meva llum, tu em distreus quan estic concentrat
Però sé...
Sé que alguns et troben ingènua i més aviat tirant a trivial
Fan veure que no vals la pena, que ets alienant, que ets superadictiva
D'altres que ets entabanadora, i la més eficaç ruboritzant
Però jo sé que d'amagat, tu a tots ells els fas volar
Vull saber-ho tot de tu, ser part de la teva vida, vull
Memoritzar els teus records, investigar el què vas viure
Vull tenir-ho tot de tu, els plors i també el somriures, vull
Tafanejar les veritats, i rastrejar les mentides
Vull conèixer cada segon, cada detall, cada micra
Donar-te la vida
Com em fas oblidar que de vegades no tinc espai
I com et trobo a faltar cada matí quan passades les 8 me'n vaig
Només penso en tu, només en la teva adictiva obvietat
Però sé...
Sé que alguns et troben ingènua i més aviat tirant a trivial
Fan veure que no vals la pena, que ets alienant, que ets superadictiva
D'altres que ets entabanadora i la més eficaç ruboritzant
Però jo sé que d'amagat (que d'amagat...) tu a tots ells els fas volar...
Vull saber-ho tot de tu, ser part de la teva vida, vull
Memoritzar els teus records, investigar el què vas viure
Vull tenir-ho tot de tu, els plors i també el somriures, vull
Tafanejar les veritats, i rastrejar les mentides
Vull conèixer cada segon, cada detall, cada micra
Donar-te la vida
Vull saber-ho tot de tu, ser part de la teva vida, vull
Memoritzar els teus records, investigar el què vas viure
Vull tenir-ho tot de tu, els plors i també el somriures, vull
Tafanejar les veritats, i rastrejar les mentides
Conèixer cada segon, cada detall, cada micra
Donar-te la vida
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dissabte, 8 d’agost del 2009
Jason Mraz - I'm yours
Jason Mraz - I'm yours (clica per veure la lletra)
Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment babay sing with me
I love peace for melody
And It's our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
Scooch on over closer dear
And i will nibble your ear
I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I'm be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
Please don't, please don't, please don't
There's no need to complicate
Cause our time is short
This oh this this is out fate, I'm yours!
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divendres, 7 d’agost del 2009
The doors - People are strange
The doors - People are strange (clica per veure la lletra)
People are strange when you're a stranger,
Faces look ugly when you're alone.
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted,
Streets are uneven when you're down.
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain.
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange,
When you're strange,
When you're strange.
All right, yeah!
People are strange when you're a stranger,
Faces look ugly when you're alone.
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted,
Streets are uneven when you're down.
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange
Alright yeah
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange
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dijous, 6 d’agost del 2009
Extrechinato y tú - Abrazado a la tristeza
Núria: no la tens al blog!
Núria: ja li pots posar
Núria: extrechinato y tu - abrazado a la tristeza
segurament vol que em deprimeixi...
Extrechinato y tú - Abrazado a la tristeza (clica per veure la lletra)
He salido a la calle abrazado a la tristeza:
vi lo que no mira nadie y me dio vergüenza y pena.
Soledad que te pegas a mi alma
en la dulce soledad de este campo de otoño.
No hay momentos de sosiego.
Rebeldía pura de amores sin amores.
Ilusiones puras y puros conformismos
intentando levantar el espíritu nostálgico
de querer estar contigo y nunca estarlo.
Los llantos desconsolados que estrangulan las gargantas;
los ancianos encorvados: parece que la tierra les llama.
Volverás de vez en cuando a estas tierras agrietadas
y verás de nuevo a quien te ama borracho;
borracho de amores y libertades.
Y también de vinos por olvidarte. Borracho...
Me da pena que se admire el valor en la batalla;
menos mal que con los rifles no se matan las palabras.
Y si surgen saludos y palabras
tal vez notes la dureza de mi estilo
queriendo no herirte en nada,
y en mi soledad sólo herirme yo mismo.
La justicia está arrestada por orden de la avaricia;
el dinero que te salva es el mismo que te asesina.
Y verás sin duda el resurgir poderoso del guerrero
sin miedo a leyes ni a nostalgias
y lo verás caer una y mil veces y levantarse de nuevo,
con la pura bandera de su raza.
Soledad de amores triste y pura,
soledad de amores y locura.
No me des más esperanzas: sé que todo son mentiras;
sacos llenos de agujeros para guardar alegrías.
Y verás sin duda el resurgir poderoso del guerrero
sin miedo a leyes ni a nostalgias
y lo verás caer una y mil veces y levantarse de nuevo,
con la pura bandera de su raza.
Me da pena que se admire el valor en la batalla;
menos mal que con los rifles no se matan las palabras.
Soledad de amores triste y pura,
soledad de amores y locura.
Videos de Extrechinato Y Tú
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dimecres, 5 d’agost del 2009
Los suaves - La peor canción del mundo
simplement genial i no sé per què encara no hi era!
Los suaves - La peor canción del mundo (clica per veure la lletra)
Cuando tengo mi guitarra
nada puede sucederme
que tome nota el destino
el cielo y mi mala suerte.
Conocerte a ti fue un castigo
perderte el principio del fin
antes soñaba contigo
ahora no me dejas dormir.
Miro arriba, lo malo siempre viene del cielo
cuando te pones encima te juro que no se que hacer
eres fiel como una amante gallega
la luna va llena de sol y de pena como una mujer.
Ahora te echo de menos
antes te echaba de más
para torcer el destino
una mujer llega... sabes.
Y ahora que estoy sin mí
sin ti y sin los dos
sin tus palabras y sin nada
también estamos sin Dios.
Y por mucho que lo intentas
nunca te podré odiar
pues cuanto peor me tratas
es cuando más pena me das.
Y si escuchas que alguien canta
es porque tiene esperanza
no me importa la distancia
te seguiré donde vayas.
Viva Dios que nunca muere
y si muere resucita
sueño, sueña olvida todo
lo hermoso es nena, cuando gritas.
Y ahora que estoy sin mí
sin ti y sin los dos
sin tus palabras y sin nada
ahora me quedo con Dios.
Y sin tus palabras
siempre llenas de pena
allá donde vayas.
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dimarts, 4 d’agost del 2009
Jack Johnson - Angel
Jack Johnson - Angel (clica per veure la lletra)
I've got an angel
She doesn't wear any wings
She wears a heart that can melt my own
She wears a smile that can make me wanna sing
She gives me presents
With her presence alone
She gives me everything I could wish for
She gives me kisses on the lips just for coming home
She could make angels
I've seen it with my own eyes
You gotta be careful when you've got good love
Cause the angels will just keep on multiplying
But you're so busy changing the world
Just one smile can change all of mine
We share the same soul
Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
We Share the same soul
Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
We Share the same soul
Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
Umm umm umm uhhhhhhmm
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dilluns, 3 d’agost del 2009
Ismael Serrano - Atrapados en azul
la banda sonora d'aquests dies. gràcies kalessin.
per cert, nou blog: earthenjou.
Ismael Serrano - Atrapados en azul (clica per veure la lletra)
Hace veinte años vivías atrapado en el gris,
otro tiempo, otro color,
y te esperaban impacientes en casa,
te habían cogido y nadie sabía si vendrías hoy.
El tiempo ha pasado, las cosas han cambiado,
quizás se respira mejor,
pero corremos delante de los mismos,
y es que pasado el tiempo hay quién no envejeció.
Y es que vivimos atrapados en azul,
atrapados en azul,
atrapados en azul,
ellos me protegen de ti, ¿de ellos quién me va a proteger?
Atrapados en azul,
atrapados en azul.
De día uniformados, de noche encapuchados,
imparten la misma ley.
Lloverán sapos y culebras, lloverán piedras,
y luego os preguntaréis por qué.
Seas rojo, negro o chino,
o si te pasaste de listo, aprenderás tu lección.
Las cámaras nunca recogen lo que sucede en la celda,
entre uno y otro furgón.
Y es que vivimos atrapados en azul,
atrapados en azul,
atrapados en azul,
ellos me protegen de ti, ¿de ellos quién me va a proteger?
atrapados en azul,
atrapados en azul.
Atrapados en azul,
(a por ellos),
atrapados en azul,
(tenles miedo),
atrapados en azul,
ellos me protegen de ti, ¿de ellos quién me va a proteger?
atrapados en azul,
atrapados en azul.
Atrapados en azul,
(madre preocúpate),
atrapados en azul,
(si a tu hijo llegan a coger),
atrapados en azul,
ellos me protegen de ti, ¿de ellos quién me va a proteger?
atrapados en azul,
atrapados en azul.
Atrapados en azul,
(a por ellos),
atrapados en azul,
(tenles miedo),
atrapados en azul,
ellos me protegen de ti, ¿de ellos quién me va a proteger?
atrapados en azul,
atrapados en azul.
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diumenge, 2 d’agost del 2009
dissabte, 1 d’agost del 2009
Rosana - Si tu no estás aquí
Ja et trobem a faltar brufus! Jajajaja, amb tot l'amor del món aquesta cançó és per tu.
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