dissabte, 28 de febrer del 2009
divendres, 27 de febrer del 2009
Bright eyes - The biggest lie
Bright eyes - The biggest lie (clica per veure la lletra)
I'm waiting for the train
The subway that only goes one way
The stupid thing that will come to pull us apart
And make everybody late.
You spent everything you had
Wanted everything to stop that bad.
And now i'm a crushed credit card registered to smith
Not the name that you call me with.
You turned white like a saint
I'm tired of dancing on a pot of gold flake paint
Oh we're so very precious, you and I.
And everything that you do makes me want to die
Oh i just told the biggest lie,
I just told the biggest lie,
the biggest lie
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dijous, 26 de febrer del 2009
Black crowes - Lickin'
Black crowes - Lickin' (clica per veure la lletra)
Your eyes they look like two bullet holes
And you dont ever say maybe
You knock me out with the way you talk
I like the way you say baby
You want a mouthful of scorpio
Yeah, but my poison be tasty
You bite my finger and say control
You wont let me be lazy
Night and day like a mule Im kickin
Girl you gonna catch a lickin
Fire out of the mouths of babes
Got you actin so crazy
Doorknob queen of the underage
Got me rantin and ravin
See the bruise you left on my page
Now the games getting tricky
Left alone in my own parade
While the bomb just keeps tickin
Do you want to do it all with me
Do you want to scream and bleed for me
You can have all of me, all of me
Your teeth taste just like razorblades
Yeah you got my tongue ready
You fill me up with your politics
And leave me so heavy
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dimecres, 25 de febrer del 2009
dimarts, 24 de febrer del 2009
R.E.M. - So fast, so numb
R.E.M. - So fast, so numb (clica per veure la lletra)
Movin’ through rough waters motel boy,
And swimming in your sleep.
How could I be so blind, mis-sighted,
Not to see there’s something wounded deep.
Anyone could scratch your surface now,
It’s all amphetamine
You’re blasting yourself into the present
Learn some vast indignity, stay that,
You say that you hate it
You want to re-create it
I’ve been around, I’ve been your lover.
I let it go at Kill Devil Hill,
You’re coming onto something so fast, so numb
That you can’t even feel.
You’re drinking the wrong dream now baby,
You do-si-do, saddo
You’re you in cartilage, shark-eyed, shock horror, all present tense,
And boy your blood is running cold.
Listen, this is now, this is here, this is me,
This is what I wanted you to see.
That was then, was that, that is gone, this is past,
You cast yourself cast, passed by, gone down fast.
You say that you hate it.
You want to recreate it.
I’ve played this round, I’ve played your lover.
I’ve played it out to the hilt.
You’re comin’ on with something so fast, so numb
That you can’t even feel.
You love it. You hate it.
You want to re-create it.
Now, this is here, this is me.
This is what I wanted you to see.
That was then, was that, that is gone.
That is what I wanted you to feel.
You love it. You hate it.
You spit it out, the bitter pill.
I’ve been around, I’ve been your lover
I let it go at Kill Devil Hill.
You’re coming onto something so fast, so numb
That you can’t even feel.
I’ve played this round, I’ve played your lover.
I’ve played it out to the hilt.
You’re comin’ on with something so fast, so numb
That you can’t even feel.
you played around, you played me lover,
I let it go at Kill Devil Hill,
You’re moving so hard, so fast, so numb
That you can’t even feel.
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dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2009
The Homophones - Everyone's dead
The Homophones - Everyone's dead (clica per veure la lletra)
pos va a ser que no.
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diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2009
Baden Powell - Consolação
Feliç dia del pensament escolta.
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dissabte, 21 de febrer del 2009
The killers - I can't stay
Una recomanació de na Lena ;)
The killers - I can't stay (clica per veure la lletra)
The emotion it was electric
And the stars, they all aligned
I knew I had to make my decision
But I never made the time
No, I never made the time
In the dark, for a while now
I can't stay, so far
I can't stay much longer
Riding my decision home
Exoneration lost his eraser
But my forgiver found the sun
And there are twisted days
That I take comfort
Cause I'm not the only one
No, I'm not the only one
In the dark, for a while now
I can't stay very far
I can't stay much longer
Riding my decision home
There is a majesty at my doorstep
And there's a little boy in her arms
Now we'll parade around
Without game plans
Obligation or alarm
In the dark, for a while now
I can't stay very far
I can't stay much longer
Riding my decision home
In the dark, for a while now
I can't stay so far
I can't stay much longer
Riding my decision home
In the dark
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divendres, 20 de febrer del 2009
Bebe - Siempre me quedará
Avui, una altra recomanació de la Núria, que comença a competir amb el Rayuela pel lloc de la persona amb més recomanacions.
Bebe - Siempre me quedará (clica per veure la lletra)
Cómo decir que me parte en mil
las esquinitas de mis huesos,
que han caído los esquemas de mi vida
ahora que todo era perfecto.
Y algo más que eso,
me sorbiste el seso y me decían del peso
de este cuerpecito mío
que se ha convertío en río.
de este cuerpecito mío
que se ha convertío en río.
Me cuesta abrir los ojos
y lo hago poco a poco,
no sea que aún te encuentre cerca.
Me guardo tu recuerdo
como el mejor secreto,
que dulce fue tenerte dentro.
Hay un trozo de luz
en esta oscuridad
para prestarme calma.
El tiempo todo calma,
la tempestad y la calma,
el tiempo todo calma,
la tempestad y la calma.
Siempre me quedará
la voz suave del mar,
volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
sobre este cuerpo y mojará
la flor que crece en mi,
y volver a reír
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti.
En la voz suave del mar,
en volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
sobre este cuerpo y mojará
la flor que crece en mi,
y volver a reír
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti.
Cómo decir que me parte en mil
las esquinitas de mis huesos,
que han caído los esquemas de mi vida
ahora que todo era perfecto.
Y algo más que eso,
me sorbiste el seso y me decían del peso
de este cuerpecito mío
que se ha convertío en río.
de este cuerpecito mío
que se ha convertío en río.
Siempre me quedará
la voz suave del mar,
volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
sobre este cuerpo y mojará
la flor que crece en mi,
y volver a reír
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti.
En la voz suave del mar,
en volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
sobre este cuerpo y mojará
la flor que crece en mi,
y volver a reír
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti.
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dijous, 19 de febrer del 2009
Giulia y los Tellarini - Barcelona
Una recomanació de la Núria!
Giulia y los Tellarini - Barcelona (clica per veure la lletra)
Porque tanto perderse tanto buscARSE sin encontrARSE
me encierran los muros de todas partes
Barcelona te estás equivocANDO no puedes seguir ignorANDO
que el mundo sea otra cOSA y volar como maripOSA.
Barcelona hace un calor que me deja
fría por dentro con este vicio de vivir mintiendo
que bonito seria tu mAR si supiera yo nadAR.
Barcelona Y mientras está llena de cara de gENTE extranjera,
CONOCIDA, desCONOCIDA … y vuelta a ser transparENTE.
No insisto más Barcelona _____
si no es cosa de tus ritos (o gritos?) tu laberinto extrovertido.
No he encontrado la rAZÓN porque me duele el corAZÓN
porque es tan fuerte que sólo podré vivIRTE en la distancia
y escribIRTE una canciÓN.
Te quiero Barcelona
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dimecres, 18 de febrer del 2009
Kimya Dawson - Tire swing
Kimya Dawson - Tire swing (clica per veure la lletra)
I took the Polaroid down in my room
I'm pretty sure you have a new girlfriend
it's not as if I don't like you
it just makes me sad whenever I see it
'cause I like to be gone most of the time
and you like to be home most of the time
if I stay in one place I lose my mind
I'm a pretty impossible lady to be with
Joey never met a bike that he didn't wanna ride
and I never met a Toby that I didn't like
Scotty liked all of the books that I recommended
even if he didn't I wouldn't be offended
I had a dream that had to drive to Madison
to deliver a painting for some silly reason
I took a wrong turn and ended up in Michigan
Paul Baribeau took me to the giant tire swing
gave me a push and he started singing
I sang along while I was swinging
the sound of our voices made us forget everything
that had ever hurt our feelings
Joey never met a bike that he didn't wanna ride
and I never met a Toby that I didn't like
Scotty liked all of the books that I recommended
even if he didn't I wouldn't be offended
…wouldn't be offended
now I'm home for less than twenty-four hours
that's hardly time to take a shower
hug my family and take your picture off the wall
check my email write a song and make a few phone calls
before it's time to leave again
I've got one hand on the steering wheel
one waving out the window
if I'm a spinster for the rest of my life
my arms will keep me warm on cold and lonely nights
Joey never met a bike that he didn't wanna ride
and I never met a Toby that I didn't like
Scotty liked all of the books that I recommended
even if he didn't I wouldn't be offended
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dimarts, 17 de febrer del 2009
Ovidi Montllor - Homenatge a Teresa
Ovidi Montllor - Homenatge a Teresa (clica per veure la lletra)
Com un record d'infantesa
sempre recordaré
a la Teresa,
ballant el vals.
Potser fou l'últim fet
amb algú que estimés
abans que un bombardeig
la tornés boja.
Tots els xiquets la seguíem
i en un solar apartat
ens instruíem
al seu voltant.
Mig descabellonada
ens mostrava les cuixes
i ens donava lliçons
Ella ens va dir d'on veníem.
I que els reis de l'Orient
no existien.
Ni llops ni esperits.
Ens parlava de l'amor
com la cosa més preciosa
i bonica.
Sense pecats.
Ens ensenyà a ballar
a cantar i a estimar.
D'això ella era
la que més sabia.
Amb una floreta al seu cap
i un mocador negre al coll
i faldes llargues
i un cigarret.
Vas ser la riota dels grans,
i la mestra més volguda.
dels infants.
Ara de gran comprenc
tot el que per tu sent
i et llence un homenatge
als quatre vents.
Com un record d'infantesa
sempre et recordaré a tu,
ballant el vals.
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dilluns, 16 de febrer del 2009
Muchachito bombo infierno - La viajera
Muchachito bombo infierno - La viajera (clica per veure la lletra)
Quiero viajar en tu carreta sideral y
recorrer el universo en un momento
adivinar donde escondes el lunar y
poderte recordar sin borrarte el pensamiento
Quiero reir mientras surcamos por el cielo
reconocernos parte mas del firmamento
Y emborracharme una vez más yo con tu pelo
sin importar luego echarte de menos
Quiero viajar en tu carreta sideral
Quiero viajar en tu carreta sideral
no quiero hablar de las cosas que no creo
prefiero hablar ahi de tu piel y de tu pelo
acurrucarnos y y darnos frio en invierno y
poderte recordar como siempre muy adentro
Quiero reir mientras surcamos por el cielo
reconocernos parte mas del firmamento
Y emborracharme una vez más yo con tu pelo
sin importar luego echarte de menos
sin importar luego echarte de menos
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
(luego echarte de menos)
sin intentar
(quiero viajar, quiero viajar)
luego echarte de menos
sin intentar (quiero viajar)
luego echarte de menos
(ahi en tu carreta sideral)
luego echarte de menos.
sin intentar (ahi donde tu escondes, donde tu escondes tu lunar),
luego echarte de menos
sin intentar (aqui huele a magia)
luego echarte de menos
sin intentar (aqui huele a magia)
luego echarte de menos,
luego echarte de menos,
luego echarte de menos, (toma, viva)
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
si yo me pongo nervioso porque no me viene a ver
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
anoche no pude andar, las pilas las tengo allí
y el gato de mi vecina corriendo detras de mi
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
sin intentar luego echarte de menos
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diumenge, 15 de febrer del 2009
AC/DC - Thunderstruck
AC/DC - Thunderstruck (clica per veure la lletra)
I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track (Thunder)
I looked 'round,
And I knew there was no turning back (Thunder)
My mind raced
And I thought what could I do? (Thunder)
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you (Thunder)
Sound of the drums
Beatin' in my heart
The thunder of guns!
Tore me apart
You've been - thunderstruck!
Rode down the highway
Broke the limit, we hit the ton
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas
And we had some fun
We met some girls,
Some dancers who gave a good time
Broke all the rules, played all the fools
Yeah, yeah, they, they, they blew our minds
And I was shakin' at the knees
Could I come again please.
Yeah the ladies were too kind
You've been - thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Yeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck
Oh, thunderstruck, yeah
Now we're shaking at the knees
Could I come again please.
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Yeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah
Said yeah, it's alright
We're! Doing fine
Yeah, it's alright
We're! Doing fine
So fine
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Whoa baby, baby, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck
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dissabte, 14 de febrer del 2009
Calvin Harris & Chrome - Dance wiv me
Avui una altra recomanació del Rayuela que està tornant a pillar el ritme ;)
Calvin Harris & Chrome - Dance wiv me (clica per veure la lletra)
What’s up darlin’?
I been keeping my eye on your movement
I can’t see no room for improvement
Why you all over there in your Jack Jones?
You need to let me get behind your backbone
‘Cause I’m the man for the job, let me work it
I won’t waste no time, I’ll make it worth it
One hundred percent, I’ll make it worth it
You got a body to die for, let me work it
Now it’s murder on the dance floor
I wanna take this further than the dance floor
I ain’t forceful but I’m still hardcore
You’re gonna give me everything I ask for
It’s not a long ting, you’re the boom ting
Maybe more than a hotel room ting
I’ll never know if I just walk past
I really wanna dance so I guess I’ll just ask
She ain’t no hoe
Look at those thighs, it’s in her eyes
She’s good to go
She can satisfy my mind, body and soul
Come and dance wiv me
Come and dance wiv me
Come and dance wiv me
Come and dance wiv me
I see you glance at me
That’s why I’m asking B
So let’s party B
Come and dance wiv me
If I’m out on my own
Then I can look at you looking at me
If I’m out on a date
Then I just shut my eyes, then I can’t see
Get away from the bar
Tell your boyfriend hold your jar
And dance wiv me
I see you glance at me
That’s why I’m asking B
So let’s party B
Come and dance wiv me
Yo, it goes on and on
I see you get excited like this is my song
You think I wanna get involved
You done nothin’ wrong
Cause I been waiting for this moment all night long
So I creep, creep creep back to your seat
I got my left eye checking out your scenery
I got my right eye right where it needs to be
Don’t matter how I look at it
You look good to me
Still, I’m looking for the perfect view
The way I see it, that’s right next to you
I know you’ve probably heard it before but still
I love it when you flex like that for real
So don’t stop doing what you do when you do it
I just wanna be a part of it when you do it
I’ll feel like a wally if I don’t pursue it
And I can’t go through it
So let’s get to it
She ain’t no hoe
Look at those thighs, it’s in her eyes
She’s good to go
She can satisfy my mind, body and soul
Come and dance wiv me
Come and dance wiv me
Come and dance wiv me
Come and dance wiv me
I see you glance at me
That’s why I’m asking B
So let’s party B
Come and dance wiv me
I know you didn’t come out to stand and stare
You bought new shoes and you did up your hair
You made a real effort tonight and it shows
I can tell by your face you don’t wanna be alone
‘Cause the mood is right and the time is now
And if you can’t do it I’ll show you how
All you gotta do is get loose, let go
Just throw a couple shapes
Put your skills on show, oh
If I’m out on my own
Then I can look at you looking at me
If I’m out on a date
Then I just shut my eyes, then I can’t see
Get away from the bar
Tell your boyfriend hold your jar
And dance wiv me
I see you glance at me
That’s why I’m asking B
So let’s party B
Come and dance wiv me
If I’m out on my own
Then I can look at you looking at me
If I’m out on a date
Then I just shut my eyes, then I can’t see
Get away from the bar
Tell your boyfriend hold your jar
And dance wiv me
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divendres, 13 de febrer del 2009
Sau - És inutil continuar
El Rayuela ens recorda que avui fa 10 anys de la desaparició de Sau. No sé si volia celebrar-ho o commemorar-ho...
Sau - És inutil continuar (clica per veure la lletra)
Hores que passen com sempre
esperant-te una vegada més
de la nit d'ahir em turmenta
el teu cos blanc, jove i calent
sempre suplicant
sempre demanant
sempre maltractant-me
és inútil continuar.
Dies que passen com sempre
allunyant-te de mi un cop més
on estaves ahir al vespre
quan tenir-te era tan urgent
sempre suplicant
sempre demanant
sempre maltractant-me.
Cansat d'esperar-te,
tu vols destrossar-me
és inútil continuar
no sóc més que un joc per a tu
et segueixo allà on vas
sóc com un gos perdut.
A les nits que estic calent
et necessito i no hi ets
un dia d'aquests et deixaré.
Mesos que passen com sempre
dies de vital necessitat
si et pogués tenir calenta
ofegant-te entre les meves mans.
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dijous, 12 de febrer del 2009
Albert Pla - Joaquín el necio
Albert Pla - Joaquín el necio (clica per veure la lletra)
Yo que estaba acostumbrao
a dormir acompañao,
yo que tanto la había amado,
son diez años de casao
¿Por qué te fuiste Rosa, mi vida?
¿Por qué te fuiste con ese negro?
¿Por qué te fuiste si yo te quiero?
¿Qué tendrá el negro que yo no tengo?
Se preguntaba Joaquín el Necio,
metro sesenta, bajito y feo,
de ideas fijas, un tipo duro,
marido cornudo, padre gruñón.
Y de oficio...
Zapatero remendón ¡Ay, qué tacón!
Será que él tiene un pollón grandote,
que el negro tiene un cacharro enorme,
¿qué puta quiere, Rosa, mi vida,
perder el culo por un cipote?
Será que Rosa se ha vuelto loca
y no por su cosa se quiere al hombre,
sino que dentro hay mucha más gracia,
yo tengo mucha gracia interior.
Se lamentaba Joaquín el Necio,
celoso y macho como hombre que era,
yo te perdono Rosa, mi vida,
pero ese tipo no tiene perdón.
Yo le capo...
A ese negro por ladrón ¡Ay, qué dolor!
Una vez que el último zapato
estuvo arreglado salió a la calle,
navaja en mano, sol de verano,
en un bar del centro los encontró.
Y entró en el bar y se hizo silencio,
la clientela apuró los vasos,
y sin dar tiempo Joaquín el Necio
le cortó al negro su palo entero.
Rosa lloraba sobre la barra,
el negro en el suelo se desangraba,
Joaquín se limpiaba su navaja,
la clientela volvió a beber.
¿Pero qué pasa, cornudo? ¡Ay, qué pasión!
Joaquín miró la parte amputada
y de verdad que eso no era nada
Ay, ¿qué tendría el maldito negro?,
¿qué tendrá el negro que yo no tengo?
Será que Rosa se ha vuelto loca,
¿Por qué te fuiste con ese negro?
¿Y por qué te fuiste si yo la tengo
mucho más grande? Aquí no hay color.
Lloró de rabia Joaquín el Necio,
no comprendía, preguntó al cielo,
la clientela llenó los vasos
y al unísono le respondió:
¿Pero por qué será, Joaquín? ¿Por qué?
¡Por qué será!
Porque el negro es mejor que tú,
no tiene malicia ni mal corazón.
El negro es mejor que tú,
es más bondadoso y más vacilón.
El negro es mejor que tú,
no tiene perfidia, es más bonachón.
El negro es mejor que tú,
es más honrado y trabajador.
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dimecres, 11 de febrer del 2009
President of the USA - Video killed the radio star
La versió, que diu el Kalessin.
President of the USA - Video killed the radio star (clica per veure la lletra)
I heard you on my wireless back in ’52
Lying awake intent on tuning in on you
If I was young it didn’t stop you coming through
Oh oh
They took the credit for your second symphony
Rewritten by machine on new technology
And now I understand the supernova scene
Oh oh
I met the children
Oh oh
What did you tell them
Video killed the radio star (x2)
In my mind and in my car
We can’t rewind we’ve gone too far
And now we meet in an abandoned studio
You hear the playback and it seems so long ago
And you remember the jingles used to go
Oh oh
You were the first on
Oh oh
You were the last one
Video killed the radio star (x2)
In my mind and in my car
We can’t rewind we’ve gone too far
Too far!
Video killed the radio star (x2)
It’s my mind and in my car
We can’t rewind we’ve gone too far
Pictures came and broke your heart
So put all the blame on vcr
You are radio star (x2)
Video killed the radio star (x7)
Yes video killed that radio star, yes it did
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dimarts, 10 de febrer del 2009
dilluns, 9 de febrer del 2009
Joanna Newson - Bridges and balloons
Joanna Newson - Bridges and balloons (clica per veure la lletra)
We sailed away on a winter's day
With fate as malleable as clay
But ships are fallible, I say
And the nautical, like all things, fades and I
Can recall our caravel:
A little wicker beetle shell
With four fine maste and lateen sails
Its bearings on Cair Paravel
Oh my love
Oh it was a funny little thing
To be the ones to've seen
The sight of bridges and balloons
Makes calm canaries irritable
And I caw and claw all afternoon
Catenaries and dirigibles
Brace and buoy the living-room
A loom of metal, warp woof wimble
And a thimblesworth of milky moon
Can touch hearts larger than a thimble
Oh my love
Oh it was a funny little thing
To be the ones to've seen
Oh my love
Oh it was a funny little thing
It was a funny funny little thing
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diumenge, 8 de febrer del 2009
Bob Marley - No woman no cry
Em sembla imperdonable que no estigués penjada encara la cançó.
Bob Marley - No woman no cry (clica per veure la lletra)
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
Said - said - said: I remember when we used to sit
In the government yard in trenchtown,
Oba - obaserving the ypocrites
As they would mingle with the good people we meet.
Good friends we have, oh, good friends weve lost
Along the way.
In this great future, you cant forget your past;
So dry your tears, I seh.
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
ere, little darlin, dont shed no tears:
No, woman, no cry.
Said - said - said: I remember when-a we used to sit
In the government yard in trenchtown.
And then georgie would make the fire lights,
As it was logwood burnin through the nights.
Then we would cook cornmeal porridge,
Of which Ill share with you;
My feet is my only carriage,
So Ive got to push on through.
But while Im gone, I mean:
Everythings gonna be all right!
Everythings gonna be all right!
Everythings gonna be all right!
Everythings gonna be all right!
I said, everythings gonna be all right-a!
Everythings gonna be all right!
Everythings gonna be all right, now!
Everythings gonna be all right!
So, woman, no cry;
No - no, woman - woman, no cry.
Woman, little sister, dont shed no tears;
No, woman, no cry.
I remember when we used to sit
In the government yard in trenchtown.
And then georgie would make the fire lights,
As it was logwood burnin through the nights.
Then we would cook cornmeal porridge,
Of which Ill share with you;
My feet is my only carriage,
So Ive got to push on through.
But while Im gone:
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
Woman, little darlin, say dont shed no tears;
No, woman, no cry.
Eh! (little darlin, dont shed no tears!
No, woman, no cry.
Little sister, dont shed no tears!
No, woman, no cry.)
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dissabte, 7 de febrer del 2009
Teitur - Catherine the waitress
"No hay dos sin tres" (ni una sense dues). Una altra recomanació del Rayuela.
Teitur - Catherine the waitress (clica per veure la lletra)
Catherine the waitress,
if you only knew where my mind is.
"Is there anything you'd like?"
If I could only tell you!
You haven't even noticed me,
but, oh you are so good to me!
Catherine the waitress,
I don't intend to seduce you.
I'm not a resident, I'm not a regular.
But if I lived here this would be my favourite bar!
Cross my heart and hope to die,
I'm not drunk, and I'm not high!
The accident happened one year ago,
according to the lines in my hand.
A requiem is playing behind my eyes,
but you don't see it, Catherine, do you?
Do you?
Catherine the waitress,
if you only knew where my mind is.
"Is there anything you'd like?"
If I could only tell you.
You haven't even noticed me,
but, oh you are so good to me!
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divendres, 6 de febrer del 2009
Richard Ashcroft - A song for the lovers
m'omple de joia posar, després de tant de temps, una recomanació del Rayuela. Bentornat.
Richard Ashcroft - A song for the lovers (clica per veure la lletra)
I spend the night
Yeah looking for my insides in a hotel room
Waiting for you
Were gonna make it tonight
Yeah something in the air tells me the time is right so we better get on
Dj,play a song for the lovers tonight
Please, play a song for the lovers tonight
Dont wanna wait
Lord Ive been waiting all my life but Im too late again
I know but I was scared
Cant you see
Im moving like a train into some foreign land I aint
Got a ticket for this ride but I will
Oh, play a song for the lover tonight
Dj, play a song for the lover tonight
Dj, play a song for the lovers tonight
Please play a song for the lovers tonight
Cant stop looking back no no
One more for the lovers
O brother wont you lend a hand Im alone in a room
And Im waiting for love
I dont know when this dreams gonna stop
But Im telling you friend I dont want to get up x2
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dijous, 5 de febrer del 2009
Morcheeba - Summertime
Avui una recomanació de l'e..
Morcheeba - Summertime (clica per veure la lletra)
And the living is easy
Fish are jumpin'
And the cotton is high
Your mama's rich
And your daddy's good lookin'
So hush little baby
Don't cry
One of these mornin's
You're gonna rise up singin'
You're gonna spread your wings
And fly to the sky
But 'til that moment
Nothin' can harm you
With your daddy and mummy
Standin' by
One of these mornin's
You're gonna rise up singin'
You're gonna spread your wings
And fly to the sky
But until then
Nothin' can harm you
With your daddy and mummy
Standin' by
With your mum and your dad
Standin' by
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dimecres, 4 de febrer del 2009
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Aeroplane
Felicitats Kalessin.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Aeroplane (clica per veure la lletra)
I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane,
It's my aeroplane,
Songbird sweet and sour Jane and music is my aeroplane,
It's my aeroplane
pleasure spiked with pain,
that motherfuckers always spiked with pain.
Looking in my own eyes (hey lord),
I can't find the love I want,
Someone better slap me,
Before I start to rust,
Before I start to decompose,
Looking in my rear view mirror,
Looking in my rear view mirror,
I can make it disappear,
I can make it disappear (have no fear),
I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane,
It's my aeroplane,
Songbird sweet and sour Jane and,
music is my aeroplane,
It's my aeroplane,
pleasure spiked with pain,
that motherfuckers always spiked with pain,
Sitting in my kitchen (hey girl),
I'm turning into dust again,
My melancholy baby,
The star of mazzy must,
Push her voice inside of me,
I'm overcoming gravity,
I'm overcoming gravity,
(It's easy when you're sad to be,)
It's easy when you're sad, sad like me
I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane,
It's my aeroplane,
Songbird sweet and sour Jane,
and music is my aeroplane,
It's my aeroplane,
pleasure spiked with pain...,
Just one note could make me float,
Could make me float away,
One note from,
The song she wrote,
Could fuck me where I lay,
Just one note,
Could make me choke,
One note that's,
Not a lie,
Just one note,
Could cut my throat,
One note could make
me die.
I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane,
It's my aeroplane,
Songbird sweet and sour Jane,
and music is my aeroplane,
It's my aeroplane,
That's spiked with pain.
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dimarts, 3 de febrer del 2009
Uncle Tupelo - True to life
Uncle Tupelo - True to life (clica per veure la lletra)
I can only sing it loud
always try to sing it clear
what the hell are we all doing here
making too much of nothing
or creating one unholy mess
an unfair study in survival, I guess
but it always comes down to
what to do when it's all around you
and this tightwire act
leaving us here for dead to news of the world
and liquor piles up ahead
dodging those with words of power
forever on their breath
when the quality of life gets tripped upstrangled like death
it seems it's getting harder out thereespecially without time enough to see
true to life is another hangover
true to life is more and more politics
true to life is always having to look over your shouldertrue to life is assembly-line sickness
but it always comes down to
what to do when it's all around you
and this tightwire actleaving us here for dead to news of the world
and liquor piles up ahead
dodging those with words of power
forever on their breath
when the quality of life gets tripped upand strangled like death
it seems it's getting harder out thereespecially without time enough to see
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dilluns, 2 de febrer del 2009
Stray cats - Bring it back again
El Pablo en recomana aquest grup! Això és rock i udemés són tonteries!
Stray cats - Bring it back again (clica per veure la lletra)
Bring it back. Bring it back. Bring it back again
I cruise around with the radio on
Make me feel alright
Make me feel alright
Wide open highway and the sun going down
Make me feel alright
Make me feel alright
I grab my guitar and pick out a song
You wear that pretty dress we never could go wrong
We had no money but never seem to care
Our love took us everywhere
Bring it back again
Bring it back. Bring it back. Bring it back again
Bring it back again
I cruise around in a rag top ride
Make me feel alright
Make me feel alright
But now I got no one by my side
Make me feel alright
Make me feel alright
Though I never share my memories
No one by my side to comfort me
I need your little hand to hold in mine
Got to hold you all the time
Bring it back again
Bring it back. Bring it back. Bring it back again
Bring it back again
Is it any wonder, why I love you so
Oh you were my first love
When your arms met mine
You just stole my heart for all time
Bring it back again
Bring it back. Bring it back. Bring it back again
Bring it back again
I cruise around with the radio on
Make me feel alright
Make me feel alright
Wide open highway with the sun going down
Make me feel alright
Make me feel alright
Though I know I'm the only one to blame
I've had enough of this sorrow and pain
I know that deep down you still feel the same
Bring me your love back again
Bring it back again
Bring it back. Bring it back. Bring it back again
Bring it back again
Come on bring it back again
Bring it back. Bring it back. Bring it back again
Bring it back again
Come on bring it back again
Bring it back again
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diumenge, 1 de febrer del 2009
Manolo Kabezabolo - Visita a un bar nazi
Vells records.
Manolo Kabezabolo - Visita a un bar nazi (clica per veure la lletra)
Hay gasolina en la botella
no hay dinamita pero ya voy a por ella
un arko y fletxas, unas pistolas
y una maleta llena de bombas
kuando parezka ke ya no hay nada
sako del sako el lanzagranadas
si keda alguno y ya no hay armas
salto a su kuello y a dentelladas
y a dentelladas y a dentelladas.
Un kañón apunta hazia tu kalva
hasta akí has llegado nazi-skin.
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