Avui una recomanació de la Cristina Palomeque, la Sra. de Blue.
Cris Juanico - Vola'm a sa lluna (clica per veure la lletra)
dilluns, 30 de juny del 2008
Cris Juanico - Vola'm a sa lluna
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diumenge, 29 de juny del 2008
Els barrufets
La noia de vidre ens proposa una regressió a la infància.
Els barrufets (clica per veure la lletra)
A l'altre banda del món és on viuen contents els barrufets. El nostre poble és el país on tot es pot fer, si tu barrufes jo també!
Però alerta, aneu amb comte, mol a prop hi ha qui us vigila, ai! Si us agafa en Gargamel (quina ràbia). No ens podrà atrapar, no, no ho podrà pas, Gargamel es quedarà amb un pam de nas.
Sempre podrem jugar i ser lliures per tot arreu, sempre serem els barrufets, si tots vosaltres barrufeu estarem contents, i us ho passareu molt bé!
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dissabte, 28 de juny del 2008
James Brown - It's a man's man's man's world
Malgrat que en la vetllada d'ahir, molt agradable per cert, és va intentar saturar la queue, o millor dit, es va amenaçar amb fer-ho, seguirem amb el funcionament FIFO. Seguint aquesta política de gestió de la queue, una recomanació de l'Elena. Avuí: Foc i Rock, hi sou tots convidats i benvinguts.
James Brown - It's a man's man's man's world (clica per veure la lletra)
This is a man's world, this is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl
You see, man made the cars to take us over the road
Man made the trains to carry heavy loads
Man made electric light to take us out of the dark
Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark
This is a man's, a man's, a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl
Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys
Man makes then happy 'cause man makes them toys
And after man has made everything, everything he can
You know that man makes money to buy from other man
This is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl
He's lost in the wilderness
He's lost in bitterness
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divendres, 27 de juny del 2008
Neil Young - Rockin' in the free world
Neil Young - Rockin' in the free world (clica per veure la lletra)
There's colors on the street
Red, white and blue
People shufflin' their feet
People sleepin' in their shoes
But there's a warnin' sign
on the road ahead
There's a lot of people sayin'
we'd be better off dead
Don't feel like Satan,
but I am to them
So I try to forget it,
any way I can.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.
I see a woman in the night
With a baby in her hand
Under an old street light
Near a garbage can
Now she puts the kid away,
and she's gone to get a hit
She hates her life,
and what she's done to it
There's one more kid
that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love,
never get to be cool.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.
We got a thousand points of light
For the homeless man
We got a kinder, gentler,
Machine gun hand
We got department stores
and toilet paper
Got styrofoam boxes
for the ozone layer
Got a man of the people,
says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn,
got roads to drive.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.
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dijous, 26 de juny del 2008
Gotan project - Diferente
Avui una recomanació de l'Ia!
Gotan project - Diferente (clica per veure la lletra)
En el mundo habrá un lugar
para cada despertar
un jardín de pan y de poesía
Porque puestos a soñar
fácil es imaginar
esta humanidad en harmonía
Vibra mi mente al pensar
en la posibilidad
de encontrar un rumbo diferente Canciones de Gotan Project
Para abrir de par en par
los cuadernos del amor
del gauchaje y de toda la gente
Qué bueno che , qué lindo es
reírnos como hermanos
Porqué esperar para cambiar
de murga y de compás.
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dimecres, 25 de juny del 2008
Gaudeamus Igitur
Avui he fet, esperem, l'últim examen de la carrera i a més he anat al meu antic institut a acomiadar antics professors que passen al gran cos dels jubilats, allí he sentit aquesta cançó.
Gaudeamus Igitur (clica per veure la lletra)
Gaudeamus igitur,
iuvenes dum sumus. (bis)
Post iucundam iuventutem,
post molestam senectutem,
nos habebit humus.
Ubi sunt qui ante nos
in mundo fuere? (bis)
Vadite ad superos,
transite ad inferos,
ubi iam fuere.
Vivat Academia,
vivant professores. (bis)
Vivat membrum quodlibet,
vivant membra quaelibet,
semper sint in flore.
Vita nostra brevis est, breve finietur.
Venit mors velociter,
rapit nos atrociter,
nemini parcetur.
Vivat nostra societas!
Vivant studiosi!
Crescat una veritas,
floreat fraternitas,
patriae prosperitas.
Vivat et Republica,
et qui illam regit.
Vivat nostra civitas,
Maecenatum charitas,
quae nos hic protegit.
Vivant omnes virgines,
graciles, formosae;
vivant et mulieres
tenerae, amabiles,
bonae, laboriosae. (1)
Pereat tristitia,
pereant osores.
Pereat diabolus,
quivis antiburschius,
atque irrisores.
Alma Mater floreat
quae nos educavit,
caros et conmilitones
dissitas in regiones
sparsos congregavit.
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dimarts, 24 de juny del 2008
Ismael Serrano - La extraña pareja
Ismael Serrano - La extraña pareja (clica per veure la lletra)
Eran conocidos en las calles del barrio,
conocidos en todos los bares y tabernas.
Él tan serio, tan alto, tan pálido y delgado,
ella morena y frágil, tan graciosa y pequeña.
Él rondaba, más o menos, los cincuenta,
y ella debía tener no más de veinticuatro.
Él daba clases, creo, en alguna academia,
y ella estudiaba, creo, un curso de italiano.
Bebían y se amaban, o eso parecía,
discutían a veces, a veces sonreían,
se besaban y odiaban, pero nadie es perfecto,
el amor es difícil y extraño en estos tiempos.
La noche debilita los corazones,
noches de funeral, de vino y rosas.
Brindemos por el amor y sus fracasos,
quizás podamos escoger nuestra derrota.
El sol limpia las calles, la memoria,
feroces pasiones atenúa.
Invéntate el final de cada historia,
que el amor es eterno mientras dura.
Él entró una noche en el bar de costumbre,
iba vestido todo de riguroso luto,
venía borracho y solo, traía el gesto serio,
y en las manos una corona de difuntos.
Ella le había dejado, nos explicó sereno,
y había decidido considerarla muerta,
y brindar por su olvido y su descanso eterno,
y celebrar su entierro de taberna en taberna.
Así que allá nos fuimos, y para qué contaros:
vasos vinos y risas, alguna vomitona,
abrazos de amistad, eterna aquella noche.
Requiescat y brindemos por ella y su memoria.
La noche debilita los corazones,
noches de funeral, de vino y rosas.
Brindemos por el amor y sus fracasos,
quizás podamos escoger nuestra derrota.
El sol limpia las calles, la memoria,
feroces pasiones atenúa.
Invéntate el final de cada historia,
que el amor es eterno mientras dura.
Al salir de El Almendro ya iba muy borracho,
se cayó en el asfalto y me incliné a su lado.
Supe que estaba muriéndose de golpe,
dijo algo en mi oído, se deshizo en mis brazos.
Se lo llevó la ambulancia con su corona y todo,
y yo me fui a cumplir con su encargo maldito.
Llegué hasta el bar que él me había indicado
y busqué a la muchacha entre el humo y el ruido.
Por fin la vi, bailaba muy despacio,
refugiada en el cálido pecho de un muchacho.
Le conté, me escuchó, se abrazó a su pareja.
Yo no sé si lloró, no se veía apenas.
La noche debilita los corazones,
noches de funeral, de vino y rosas.
Brindemos por el amor y sus fracasos,
quizás podamos escoger nuestra derrota.
El sol limpia las calles, la memoria,
feroces pasiones atenúa.
Invéntate el final de cada historia,
que el amor es eterno mientras dura.
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dilluns, 23 de juny del 2008
Carlinhos Brown - Mariacaipirinha
bona revetlla.
Carlinhos Brown - Mariacaipirinha (clica per veure la lletra)
Tê tê tê
Tetetê tetê
Tê tê tê tetê tetetê [...]
Samba da Bahia
Samba da Bahia [...]
Ê Maria Nega Bebê,
Você sabe o valor do dimbê?
Você tem a mão calejada,
Você sabe fazer feijoada!
Você baila toda molhada,
Não tá nem aí pra dinheiro!
Vem Maria, bate o pandeiro..
Para você tudo é fevereiro!
Vem Maria sou de você
Tetetê tetê
Ô Maria eu sou de você
Tetete tetê
Ê Maria, ê Mariê
Tetete tetê
Ê Maria, ê Mariê
Tetete tetê
Tetetê tetê
Tetetê tetê
Tetetê tetê
Tetetê tetê
Tetetê tetê
Samba da Bahia
Samba da Bahia [...]
Ê Maria Nega Bebê,
Você sabe o valor do dimbê
Você tem a mão calejada
Você sabe fazer feijoada
Vem Maria Nega Bebê
Tetetê tetê
Vem Maria toca o dimbê
Tetetê tetê
Vem Maria, quero você
Tetete tetê
Vem Maria para a Bahia
Tetete tetê
Vem Maria Caipirinha
Tetetê tetê
Vem Maria para a alegria
Tetetê tetê
Vem Maria pra feijoada
Tetetê tetê
Vem Maria, dança molhada
Tetetê tetê
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diumenge, 22 de juny del 2008
Jorma Kaukonen - Genesis
Jorma Kaukonen - Genesis (clica per veure la lletra)
Time has come for us to pause
And think of living as it was
Into the future we must cross, must cross
I'd like to go with you
And I'd like to go with you
You say I'm harder than a wall
A marble shaft about to fall
I love you dearer than them all, them all
So let me stay with you
So let me stay with you
And as we walked into the day
Skies of blue had turned to grey
I might have not been clear to say, to say
I never looked away
I never looked away
And though I'm feeling you inside
My life is rolling with the tide
I'd like to see it be an open ride
Along with you
Going along with you
The time we borrowed from ourselves
Can't stay within a vaulted well
And living turns into a lender's will
So let me come with you
And let me come with you
And when we came out into view
And there I found myself with you
When breathing felt like
something new, new
Along with you
Going along with you
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dissabte, 21 de juny del 2008
Culture club - Karma Chamaleon
Culture club - Karma Chamaleon (clica per veure la lletra)
Desert loving in your eyes all the way
If I listen to your lies would you say
Im a man without conviction
Im a man who doesnt know
How to sell a contradiction
You come and go
You come and go
Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon
You come and go
You come and go
Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream
Red, gold and green
Red, gold and green
Didnt hear your wicked words every day
And you used to be so sweet I heard you say
That my love was an addiction
When we cling our love is strong
When you go youre gone forever
You string along
You string along
Every day is like a survival
Youre my lover not my rival
Every day is like a survival
Youre my lover not my rival
Im a man without conviction
Im a man who doesnt know
How to sell a contradication
You come and go
You come and go
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divendres, 20 de juny del 2008
Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook
Avui una recomanació d'una vella amiga, la Iona :D
Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook (clica per veure la lletra)
pipiripipi... pendent :p
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dijous, 19 de juny del 2008
dimecres, 18 de juny del 2008
Herman Düne - This will never happen
Herman Düne - This will never happen (clica per veure la lletra)
Driving miles like comforted through the other dimension called Germany
when foot down is not even an option
And the old Europe is not the issue when somehow where you are you must be celebrating big time
big holiday with your people right now
With all the terminators who should be running for governors
And maybe you would come to live with me in California
And I’m just down on my broken knees on some dumb ferryboat you see
Not even praying to the son of man, as they say
But still hoping that at some point I’d be waking up in my dreams
And you’d be holding my left arm and asking me: "David are you alright?"
"Oh what’s the matter baby?"
"Oh whatever you want"
And I’d be listening looking through your beautiful eyes
And I’d be listening looking through your beautiful eyes
And I’d be listening looking through your beautiful eyes
And I’d be listening looking through your beautiful eyes
And I’d be listening looking through your beautiful eyes
There’s Calvin Johnson in the backseat then he complains about the car
As the radio just skips from Justin to Justin
And I start thinking that if I made it platinum this year
With Mas Cambios or some stuff we’re recording in Brooklyn then
There would be tons of girls harassing me, not only jesus freaks or junkies
And you’d be dying to come on tour with me and you would ask me
And I would tell you that I already have a roadie, yeah
But that’d be just for fun ’cause I’d do anything to make you happy
And I would never ever ever hurt you baby
And I would never ever ever hurt you baby
And I would never ever ever hurt you baby
And I would never ever ever hurt you baby
And I would never ever ever hurt you baby
I took some pictures for a website and your sister she went online
and then she called me to tell me that I looked pretty tired
But I’ve never needed any sleep and all I need is you in my life
And I was sad and I had cried ’cause I thought that maybe baby
you would have stopped loving me
But then you went:
This would never ever happen baby
This would never ever happen baby
This would never ever happen baby
This would never ever happen baby yeah
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dimarts, 17 de juny del 2008
Oriko Takahashi i Ken Nishikiori - Brawl
Oriko Takahashi i Ken Nishikiori - Brawl (clica per veure la lletra)
あの人の噂を聞いたことがあるたった一人で敵陣に舞い込み故郷を救ったとかあの人の噂を聞いたことがある地を駆け 触れるもの全てを砕いてまわったとかあの人の噂を聞いたことがあるあの人の噂を聞いたことがある皆のあこがれだった 自分にとってもそうだった皆に恐れられていた 自分にとってもそうだったその人はいま私の隣にいるその人がいま 私の隣にいる今は仲間がいるかつては英雄だった宿敵だった仲間たちがいる激しく競い合い 戦い合いながらも輝きを増していく
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dilluns, 16 de juny del 2008
Toots & the Maytals - Country roads
Toots & the Maytals - Country roads (clica per veure la lletra)
Almost heaven, West Jamaica
True ridge mountains
Shining Minko River
All my friends there
Older than those ridge
Younger than the mountains
Blowin' like a breeze
Country roads take me home
To the place I belong
West Jamaica, my ol' momma
Take me home country roads
I heard her voice
In the mornin' hour she calls me
Said son you remind me of my home far away
And drivin' down the road I feel a sickness, I sure did
Oh yesterday, yesterday
All my memories, oh, gathered 'round her
My old lady stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine
Tears gone from my eyes
Country roads take me home
To the place I belong
West Jamaica, my my momma
Won't you take me go home country roads
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diumenge, 15 de juny del 2008
Powderfinger - Ballad of a dead man
Powderfinger - Ballad of a dead man (clica per veure la lletra)
Run little rabbit, cant break the habbit for none
Shapes like a rocket and shoots like a pocket gun
Every mothers son has spent a lifetime on the run
One by one and two by two
Our hearts beat a rhythm true
Wave goodbye now baby blue
You're exploding like a star into the gloom
I thought I could shut you in
You said 'Babay let me out'
I thought that I could pick you up and roll you like a dice
There's hitchhikers thumbingon the verge of the lovers highway
But we just roll on by with the top down,the sun's out
I'm so glad when you came along you happened to be going my way
The wheels roll round and round
One by one and two by two
Our hearts beat a rhythm true
Wave goodbye now baby blue
You're exploding like a star in the room
I thought I could shut you in
You said "come on pull me out"
I thought that I could pick you up and roll you like a dice
When im close to you,I could feel it coming in, here they come
They're coming one by one coming two by two
They're coming one by one coming two by two
Yeah,if I ever let you down
If anything should come to bleed you dry or cut you out
Dont turn me away
Yeah I never meant to spin you round
If anybody comes to do you harm or pin you down
I'll take your place
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dissabte, 14 de juny del 2008
Mano negra - Machine gun
Mano negra - Machine gun (clica per veure la lletra)
Si la tierra tiembla
Se hunde en el mar
Si la tierra tiembla
Nadie se va salvar...
Si la tierra tiembla
Bombala, bombala, bombala, bombala
Si la tierra tiembla
Sera culpa ti!
Si la tierra tiembla
Nadie se va salvar
Si la Tierra Tiembla
Se hunde en el Mar
Nadie se va salvar
Si la tierra tiembla... Machine Gun
...Machine Gun
Bomba ECONOMIA... sera culpa ti
nadie se va salvar
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divendres, 13 de juny del 2008
Sinéad O' Connor - Oro, Se Do Bheatha 'Bhaile
visca Irlanda!
Sinéad O' Connor - Oro, Se Do Bheatha 'Bhaile (clica per veure la lletra)
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
Anois ar theacht an tsamhraidh!
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
Anois ar theacht an tsamhraidh!
'Sé do bheatha a bhean ba léanmhar,
B' é ár gcreach tú bheith i ngéibhinn,
Do dhúiche bhreá i seilibh meirleach...
Is tú díolta leis na Gallaibh!
Tá Gráinne Mhaol ag teacht thar sáile,
Óglaigh armtha léi mar gharda,
Gaeil iad féin is ní Gaill ná Spáinnigh...
Is cuirfidh siad ruaig ar Ghallaibh!
A bhuí le Rí na bhFeart go bhfeiceann,
Muna mbíonn beo ina dhiaidh ach seachtain,
Gráinne Mhaol is míle gaiscíoch...
Ag fógairt fáin ar Ghallaibh!
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dijous, 12 de juny del 2008
Tradicional Catalana - Marieta Cistellera
Tradicional Catalana - Marieta Cistellera (clica per veure la lletra)
Marieta Cistellera
tu que en saps de fer cistells
me'n faràs una panera
per anar a collir clavells.
Tral laralarala....
Una rosa en tinc en aigua
i un clavell en tinc en fresc
pel dia de Sant Josep
que és el sant del meu promès.
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dimecres, 11 de juny del 2008
Eddie Vedder - Society
Qui dies passa, anys empeny.
Gràcies a aquells que us heu recordat de mi avui ;-)
Eddie Vedder - Society (clica per veure la lletra)
It's a mistery to me
we have a greed
with which we have agreed
You think you have to want
more than you need
until you have it all you won't be free
society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
When you want more than you have
you think you need
and when you think more than you want
your thoughts begin to bleed
I think I need to find a bigger place
'cos when you have more than you think
you need more space
society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
there's those thinking more or less less is more
but if less is more how you're keeping score?
Means for every point you make
your level drops
kinda like its starting from the top
you can't do that...
society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, have mercy on me
I hope you're not angry if I disagree
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
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dimarts, 10 de juny del 2008
Xquè - Thank you
Avui sí que podríem dir que ha estat l'últim dia del Solde a DAMA. Ha triat aquesta cançó per dir adéu. Sort amb les noves aventures i a passar-s'ho bé ;D.
Xquè - Thank you (clica per veure la lletra)
Another morning,
i don´t forget...
why appear,
the ache in my head...
i remember...
only people with me...
dancing around me...
beatiful faces, feeling with me...
i will be happy, if your eyes i see...
the high volume, makes me feel so real...
feelings inside of me...
thank you... for every saturday night...
thank you for give me the stars...
Thank you...
for your inconditional smile...
we always be here with you!
thank you...
i will thank you... for every saturday night...
thank you for give me this days...
thank you... for your inconditional smile...
we always be here with you!
faster hours, of all of my life...
leave the problems, the can be arn...
i´m in silence, when things what i can´t understand...
are pressed into my brain...
now this floor, is only for you...
walk with me, to your favourite place...
we are a family, brothers of party tonight...
i sit in your eyes...
thank you...
thank you...
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dilluns, 9 de juny del 2008
Radiohead - No surprises
Per anar fent boca pel concert de dijous el Sergio ens fa aquesta recomanació. Us encoratja també a buscar el videoclip.
Radiohead - No surprises (clica per veure la lletra)
A heart that's full up like a landfill,
a job that slowly kills you,
bruises that won't heal.
You look so tired-unhappy,
bring down the government,
they don't, they don't speak for us.
I'll take a quiet life,
a handshake of carbon monoxide,
with no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
Silent silent.
This is my final fit,
my final bellyache,
with no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises please.
Such a pretty house
and such a pretty garden.
No alarms and no surprises (get me outta here),
no alarms and no surprises (get me outta here),
no alarms and no surprises, please.
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diumenge, 8 de juny del 2008
Yael Naim - New soul
Per mi tot allò que ve de l'Anna no és ni una petició, ni una recomanació ni res per l'estil. És una ordre indiscutible, inapel·lable, inamovible, una sentència a complir. :D
Yael Naim - New soul (clica per veure la lletra)
I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.
But since I came here,
Felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake
I'm a young soul
In this very strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout what is true and fake
But why all this hate?
Try to communicate
Finding trust and love is not always easy to make
. . . . . .
This is a happy end
'Cause you don't understand
Everything you have done
Why's everything so wrong?
This is a happy end
Come and give me your hand
I'll take you far away
I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.
But since I came here,
Felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake
I'm a new soul... (la, la, la, la,...)
In this very strange world...
Every possible mistake
Possible mistake
Every possible mistake
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...
Take take take take take... take a mistake
Take, take a mistake
Take, take a mistake
(oh oh oh oh...)
[fade out]
(oh oh oh oh...)
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dissabte, 7 de juny del 2008
Donovan - Colours
Donovan - Colours (clica per veure la lletra)
Yellow is the color of my true love's hair
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time
(That's the time)
That's the time
(That's the time)
I love the best
Green is the color of the sparkling corn
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time
(That's the time)
That's the time
(That's the time)
I love the best
Blue is the color of the sky
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time
(That's the time)
That's the time
(That's the time)
I love the best
Mellow is the feeling that I get
When I see her, mmm-hmm
When I see her, oh yeah
That's the time
(That's the time)
That's the time
(That's the time)
I love the best
Freedom is a word I rarely use
Without thinking, oh yeah
Without thinking, mmm-hmmm
Of the time
(Of the time)
Of the time
(Of the time)
When I've been loved
Yellow is the color of my true love's hair
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time
(That's the time)
That's the time
(That's the time)
I love the best
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divendres, 6 de juny del 2008
dijous, 5 de juny del 2008
Saybia - The Second You Sleep
Aquesta recomanació és d'en Solde. I punt.
Saybia - The Second You Sleep (clica per veure la lletra)
You close your eyes
And leave me naked by your side
You close the door so I can’t see
The love you keep inside
The love you keep for me
It fills me up
It feels like living in a dream
It fills me up so I can’t see
The love you keep inside
The love you keep for me
I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay
I stay awake
I stay awake and watch you breathe
I stay awake and watch you fly
Away into the night
Escaping through a dream
I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay
I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay
Stay awake
I wish by God you’d stay
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dimecres, 4 de juny del 2008
O.A.R. - The wanderer
O.A.R. - The wanderer (clica per veure la lletra)
Down the road there was a man walking, walking
Knapsack round his back radio talking, talking
And his blue suede shoes are covered in mud, but it no matter cause the boys on the run
Black sunglasses and a bald head too, boy never had nowhere to run when it was cold, so cold
So he hitched a ride to New Mexico, wanted to try for the big brass show
But no
He's the wanderer looking for his long lost home
He's only got one place to go
He's wandering and wondering when to go home
He's not alone, not alone, not alone
Feet been walking for a thousand years, trying to drive away those fears, but no
Well then he picked up and then he went down south
Dad said nothing and mom shut her mouth
Well, he never thought too much, just thought he could heal with his touch
For those who need help and more love
And when love came around I heard the sound
Wanderers wandering all round the town
But no, they go
He's the wanderer looking for his long lost home
He's only got one place to go
He's wandering and wondering when to go home
He's not alone, not alone, not alone
Hey, he's the wanderer looking for his long lost home
He's only got one fine place to go
He's wandering wondering when to go home
He's not alone, not alone, not alone
We wan wan wandered along, grabbed our friends and we move along
We won won won the war, grabbed our friends and we ran for the door
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dimarts, 3 de juny del 2008
Francisco Tàrrega - Gran vals
Sabieu que la popular melodia de Nokia està extreta d'aquesta peça, d'aquest valencià? Concretament els compassos del 14 al 16.
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dilluns, 2 de juny del 2008
Dire Straits - Sultans of swing
Dire Straits - Sultans of swing (clica per veure la lletra)
You get a shiver in the dark
Its been raining in the park but meantime
South of the river you stop and you hold everything
A band is blowing dixie double four time
You feel all right when you hear that music ring
You step inside but you dont see too many faces
Coming in out of the rain to hear the jazz go down
Too much competition too many other places
But not too many horns can make that sound
Way on downsouth way on downsouth london town
You check out guitar george he knows all the chords
Mind hes strictly rhythm he doesnt want to make it cry or sing
And an old guitar is all he can afford
When he gets up under the lights to play his thing
And harry doesnt mind if he doesnt make the scene
Hes got a daytime job hes doing alright
He can play honky tonk just like anything
Saving it up for friday night
With the sultans with the sultans of swing
And a crowd of young boys theyre fooling around in the corner
Drunk and dressed in their best brown baggies and their platform soles
They dont give a damn about any trumpet playing band
It aint what they call rock and roll
And the sultans played creole
And then the man he steps right up to the microphone
And says at last just as the time bell rings
thank you goodnight now its time to go home
And he makes it fast with one more thing
we are the sultans of swing
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diumenge, 1 de juny del 2008
Lax'n'Busto - Per què ser gran?
Ningú m'havia dit que aquesta cançó era de Lax'n'Busto, a veure si encara em reconciliaré amb aquesta mena de grups... Amb els Pets, no.
Lax'n'Busto - Per què ser gran? (clica per veure la lletra)
Han passat els anys,
diuen que sóc gran
i no m'ha arribat pas per sorpresa.
T'ho vaig dir, vaig molt de pressa
i potser em falta alguna peça,
però el meu cos em mana i mai no para.
Tant de temps que ho he desitjat,
i ara que hi sóc no em fa falta saber res.
Tinc mal pensament,
vivint intensament,
i tant se me'n fot el que dirà la gent.
Tots els meus problemes
només són cosa meva.
A cent vuitanta l'aire crema.
Però en el fons he anant vivint.
Veig que només estic patint.
Sinó, per què ser gran?
Si tinc tot el que jo puc desitjar.
No vull tenir panxa ni estar al despatx,
vull ser lliure, i no estic pas somiant.
Penso en festa i en merder,
però, què hi haig de fer?
es podria dir que així vaig néixer.
I és que em bull la sang,
el cor se'm fa gran
quan veig algú que no està pas malament.
Tu dius que a casa s'hi està bé,
però és que sense adonar-te'n
des de que te'n vols anar
fins que t'han fet fora
ha passat poc més d'una hora.
Sinó, per què ser gran? [...]
Sinó, de què vas?
Si tinc tot el que jo puc desitjar.
No vull tenir panxa ni estar al despatx,
vull ser lliure, i no estic pas somiant.
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