La Núria ens recomana aquest cover de Roger Mas de la mítica cançó de Georges Moustaki.
Ens espera un pont una mica tediós a aquells que ens hem despistat i no ens hem organitzat cap escapada ;)
Roger Mas - La meva solitud (clica per veure la lletra)
dimecres, 30 d’abril del 2008
Roger Mas - La meva solitud
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dimarts, 29 d’abril del 2008
The dø - On my shoulders
De la ma del Sergio, ens arriba aquesta recomanació.
The dø - On my shoulders (clica per veure la lletra)
Why would I carry such a weight on my shoulders ?
Why do I always help you carry your boulders ?
You wonder why I carry such a weight on my shoulders
And why would I tttts such a load
Cos someday you'll see
Next time I'll try it another way
Why would you try to make me friends with them soldiers ?
When you know that I've never been familiar with orders
When you know that my heart is in a pretty disorder
And you should know that in my heart you fill every corner
And someday you'll see that all I want is to please
Next time I'll try it another way
How long will I sit and wait like a soldier ?
How many summers will it take ?
How many summers will I wait ?
How many shoulders will I break ?
Why would I carry such a weight on my shoulders ?
Why am I always by your side when you're down ?
Why did I help you build a beautiful house ?
And why did I break my back for you in the cold ?
Cos someday you'll see
Next time I'll try it another way
Why would I have to quit if time makes me older ?
Why do they wonder why I never get bored ?
How could I tell them that I'll never let go
But hey, you're my man but they just won't understand
And someday you'll see that all I want is to please
Next time I'll try it another way
How long will I sit and wait like a soldier ?
How many summers will it take ?
How many summers will I wait ?
How many shoulders will I break ?
Why would I carry such a weight on my shoulders ?
Why do I always help you carry your boulders ?
You wonder why I carry such a weight on my shoulders
And why would I tttts such a load
And someday you'll see that all I want is to please
Next time I'll try it another way
How long will I sit and wait like a soldier ?
How many summers will it take ?
How many summers will I wait ?
How many summers will I wait ?
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dilluns, 28 d’abril del 2008
Antònia Font - Viure sense tu
Un dia valència, un altre insular... ;) Que orgullós que estaria de mi Jaume I.
Antònia Font - Viure sense tu (clica per veure la lletra)
Dolça besada té gust que s’acaaba
pont i principi de viure sense tu.
Jo no sabia que també me donaries
manuals de geografia
cent dillunsos a un dibuix.
Jo què sabia d’alens que se trobaven
de cabells que s’embullaven
de mans i de perfums.
Dolça besada...
Jo no sabia que en sa nit me tastaries
eren gustos que nedaven
entre boques i racons.
Jo no sabia que després me mataria
la teva mirada
que plora i diu que no.
I arriba un dia que la vida és un teatre
que se diu felicitat,
primavera i trinaranjus
amb qui més has estimat,
te regal la meva vida
i sense tu ja no me val.
I l’horabaixa la deixam passar
i me mires tan a prop que me fa mal,
que surt el sol i encara plou,
que t’estim massa i massa poc,
que no sé com ho hem d’arreglar,
que som amics que som amants.
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diumenge, 27 d’abril del 2008
Paco Ibáñez - La mala reputación
Paco Ibáñez - La mala reputación (clica per veure la lletra)
En mi pueblo sin pretensión
tengo mala reputación,
haga lo que haga es igual
todo lo consideran mal.
Yo no pienso pues hacer ningún daño
queriendo vivir fuera del rebaño.
No, a la gente no gusta que
uno tenga su propia fe,
no, a la gente no gusta que
uno tenga su propia fe,
todos, todos me miran mal,
salvo los ciegos, es natural.
Cuando la fiesta nacional
yo me quedo en la cama igual,
que la música militar
nunca me supo levantar.
En el mundo pues no hay mayor pecado
que el de no seguir al abanderado.
No, a la gente no gusta que
uno tenga su propia fe,
no, a la gente no gusta que
uno tenga su propia fe,
todos me muestran con el dedo,
salvo los mancos, quiero y no puedo.
Si en la calle corre un ladrón
y a la zaga va un ricachón,
zancadilla pongo al señor
y he aplastado el perseguidor.
Eso si que sí que será una lata,
siempre tengo yo que meter la pata,.
No, a la gente no gusta que
uno tenga su propia fe,
no, a la gente no gusta que
uno tenga su propia fe,
todos tras de mi a correr,
salvo los cojos, es de creer.
No hace falta saber latín
yo ya se cual será mi fin,
en el pueblo se empieza a oír,
muerte, muerte al villano vil.
Yo no pienso pues armar ningún lío
con que no va a Roma el camino mío.
No, a la gente no gusta que
uno tenga su propia fe,
no, a la gente no gusta que
uno tenga su propia fe,
todos, todos me miran mal,
salvo los ciegos, es natural.
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dissabte, 26 d’abril del 2008
Dick dale & His Del-Tones - Pumkin and honey bunny
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divendres, 25 d’abril del 2008
Feliu Ventura - Com la pell de la bresquilla
Avui l'Elena ens recorda, amb eixa cançó, que és la diada del País Valencià (Comunitat valenciana, ho dic que si no els blaveros em tanquen el blog al Pai...Comunitat V.)
Feliu Ventura - Com la pell de la bresquilla (clica per veure la lletra)
Com la pell de la bresquilla,
que arriba ara per Sant Joan
-quan s'acurten les nits-
dóna'm la boca;
em beus des de l'abisme
i a penes pots somriure.
Arran de la ferida
et parle de demà,
i t'explique amb els dits
que sempre em torna
un gran desig de viure't
que a penes puc descriure.
A voltes ets la dida
i a voltes la destral
que veu tots els envits
d'aquesta aposta,
sense que ningú et dicte
com és com has de viure.
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dijous, 24 d’abril del 2008
Els Pets - Tard
De la noia de vidre a en Rayuela.
Sort en la nova etapa i en les noves aventures que tens per endavant.
Els Pets - Tard (clica per veure la lletra)
La primera vegada et va xocar,
no sabies si anava disfressat,
botes camperes, arracada al nas
i els cabells ms llargs que ta germana.
Tot i que el bar no era pas petit
i estava ple, de fet com cada nit,
travessant els gots i els teus amics
aquells ulls et feien mal de panxa.
Per era tard,
tenies una cita l'endem,
te'l vas creuar a la porta i us vau mirar
poc a poc,
sense dir ni un sol mot
i finalment et va donar un somris de comiat.
De res no va servir ficar-te al llit,
tancant els ulls el tenies alli.
A l'endem t'havies adormit,
vas fer tard a la cita acordada.
Divendres a les onze puntual
ja eres a la porta d'aquell bar,
tres whiskies llargs i cinc hores ms tard
vas marxar amb la cua entre les cames.
I ara s tard,
no l'has tornat a veure a cap ms bar,
ni tan sols queda un nom per recordar,
per al cap sempre tindrs
un estrany
i tot el que hagus pogut ser i mai no ser.
Mentre els teus amics tan ben vestits fan bromes,
aquell bon partit que tu tan llesta vas triar
et diu "t'estimo" i tu no el pots mirar.
I ara s tard,
no l'has tornat a veure a cap ms bar,
ni tan sols queda un nom per recordar,
per al cap sempre tindrs
un estrany
i tot el que hagus pogut ser i mai no ser.
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dimecres, 23 d’abril del 2008
Prokofiev - Dance of the knights
De la ma d'en Blue ens arriba aquesta peça tan encertada pel dia d'avui.
Oficialment la peça s'anomena Montagues and Capulets i com ja es pot intuir forma part del ballet de Romeu i Julieta, en concret és la 2a escena del 1r acte del ballet. Obra de William Shakespeare, que segons al calendari Julià, que és el que va bé per arrodonir el post, va néixer i morir un 23 d'Abril, del 1564 i del 1616, respectivament.
Que acabeu de tenir un bon Sant Jordi.
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dimarts, 22 d’abril del 2008
La mata negra - Mar i muntanya
Avui una cançó del grup del Manu (i el Blai ;) ). Gran grup, tot i que la mata negra sempre m'ha semblat una imatge, metafora...curiosa.
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dilluns, 21 d’abril del 2008
Norah Jones - Rosie's lullaby
No, no és l'Amy Winehouse.
Norah Jones - Rosie's lullaby (clica per veure la lletra)
She walked by the ocean,
And waited for a star,
To carry her away.
Feelin' so small,
At the bottom of the world,
Lookin' up to God.
She tries to take deep breaths,
To smell the salty sea,
As it moves over her feet.
The water pulls so strong,
And no-one is around,
And the moon is looking down.
Rosie - come with me,
Close your eyes - and dream.
The big ships are rollin',
And lightin' up the night,
And she calls out, but they just her pass by.
The waves are crashin',
But not making a sound,
Just mouthing along.
Rosie - come with me,
Close your eyes and dream,
Close your eyes and dream,
Close your eyes and dream.
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diumenge, 20 d’abril del 2008
Jackie Wilson - Higher and higher
Jackie Wilson - Higher and higher (clica per veure la lletra)
Your love, lifting me higher
Than I've ever been lifted before
So keep it up
quench my desire
And I'll be at your side, forever more
You know your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on lifting (love keeps lifting me)
Higher (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
I said your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on (love keeps lifting me)
Lifting me (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
Now once, I was downhearted
Disappointment was my closest friend
But then you came, and it soon departed
And you know he never
Showed his face again
That's why your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on lifting (love keeps lifting me)
Higher (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
I said your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on (love keeps lifting me)
Lifting me (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
I'm so glad, I've finally found you
Yes that one-in-a-million girl
And I whip my loving arms around you
I can stand up, and face the world
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dissabte, 19 d’abril del 2008
divendres, 18 d’abril del 2008
Bob Dylan - Hurricane
Bob Dylan - Hurricane (clica per veure la lletra)
Pistol shots ring out in the barroom night
Enter Patty Valentine from the upper hall.
She sees the bartender in a pool of blood,
Cries out, "My God, they killed them all!"
Here comes the story of the Hurricane,
The man the authorities came to blame
For somethin' that he never done.
Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been
The champion of the world.
Three bodies lyin' there does Patty see
And another man named Bello, movin' around mysteriously.
"I didn't do it," he says, and he throws up his hands
"I was only robbin' the register, I hope you understand.
I saw them leavin'," he says, and he stops
"One of us had better call up the cops."
And so Patty calls the cops
And they arrive on the scene with their red lights flashin'
In the hot New Jersey night.
Meanwhile, far away in another part of town
Rubin Carter and a couple of friends are drivin' around.
Number one contender for the middleweight crown
Had no idea what kinda shit was about to go down
When a cop pulled him over to the side of the road
Just like the time before and the time before that.
In Paterson that's just the way things go.
If you're black you might as well not show up on the street
'Less you wanna draw the heat.
Alfred Bello had a partner and he had a rap for the cops.
Him and Arthur Dexter Bradley were just out prowlin' around
He said, "I saw two men runnin' out, they looked like middleweights
They jumped into a white car with out-of-state plates."
And Miss Patty Valentine just nodded her head.
Cop said, "Wait a minute, boys, this one's not dead"
So they took him to the infirmary
And though this man could hardly see
They told him that he could identify the guilty men.
Four in the mornin' and they haul Rubin in,
Take him to the hospital and they bring him upstairs.
The wounded man looks up through his one dyin' eye
Says, "Wha'd you bring him in here for? He ain't the guy!"
Yes, here's the story of the Hurricane,
The man the authorities came to blame
For somethin' that he never done.
Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been
The champion of the world.
Four months later, the ghettos are in flame,
Rubin's in South America, fightin' for his name
While Arthur Dexter Bradley's still in the robbery game
And the cops are puttin' the screws to him, lookin' for somebody to blame.
"Remember that murder that happened in a bar?"
"Remember you said you saw the getaway car?"
"You think you'd like to play ball with the law?"
"Think it might-a been that fighter that you saw runnin' that night?"
"Don't forget that you are white."
Arthur Dexter Bradley said, "I'm really not sure."
Cops said, "A poor boy like you could use a break
We got you for the motel job and we're talkin' to your friend Bello
Now you don't wanta have to go back to jail, be a nice fellow.
You'll be doin' society a favor.
That sonofabitch is brave and gettin' braver.
We want to put his ass in stir
We want to pin this triple murder on him
He ain't no Gentleman Jim."
Rubin could take a man out with just one punch
But he never did like to talk about it all that much.
It's my work, he'd say, and I do it for pay
And when it's over I'd just as soon go on my way
Up to some paradise
Where the trout streams flow and the air is nice
And ride a horse along a trail.
But then they took him to the jailhouse
Where they try to turn a man into a mouse.
All of Rubin's cards were marked in advance
The trial was a pig-circus, he never had a chance.
The judge made Rubin's witnesses drunkards from the slums
To the white folks who watched he was a revolutionary bum
And to the black folks he was just a crazy nigger.
No one doubted that he pulled the trigger.
And though they could not produce the gun,
The D.A. said he was the one who did the deed
And the all-white jury agreed.
Rubin Carter was falsely tried.
The crime was murder "one," guess who testified?
Bello and Bradley and they both baldly lied
And the newspapers, they all went along for the ride.
How can the life of such a man
Be in the palm of some fool's hand?
To see him obviously framed
Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land
Where justice is a game.
Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties
Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise
While Rubin sits like Buddha in a ten-foot cell
An innocent man in a living hell.
That's the story of the Hurricane,
But it won't be over till they clear his name
And give him back the time he's done.
Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been
The champion of the world.
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dijous, 17 d’abril del 2008
Vanderveen - Weekend full of weekends
Vanderveen - Weekend full of weekends (clica per veure la lletra)
Now this I've said a couple times
Your hair is in my ears and eyes
And I haven't got the steps
To dance with you
Remember i'm the freezing man
My cufflinks rash your wrists and hands
And my feet are like two swords against your shoes
Forget the dance I'd sooner crawl
You've chilled me with your talk and all
Colder is the day I dance with you
Now move along, this topic's closed
And hurry while your drink is cold
I've got a million things I gotta do
(Pre chorus)
Gonna wake up and radiate
She's the woman you love to hate
Call her up from a distant New York
I'll wait here
I've got a weekend full of weekends
I'm gonna spend them by myself
I've got a Tuesday full of Mondays
I feel I've done them well
Let the evening scratch the morning
I feel naked from waist down
I've got a weekend full of weekends
I might not make it out
Now since I've earned this state of mind
And you stress your best plies in time
I won't search for words that speak to you
I'm tired of the "How 'ya been's"
And "Hope that we can meet again's"
These will be my last words to you
(Pre chorus)
Gonna wake up and radiate
She's the woman you love to hate
Call her up from a distant New York
She's waiting
I've got a weekend full of weekends
I'm gonna spend them by myself
I've got a Tuesday full of Mondays
I feel I've done them well
Let the evening scratch the morning
I feel naked from waist down
I've got a weekend full of weekends
I might not make it out
I've followed what I should have followed
Years before but never bothered
I was just a breath in search
Of air so life could see me
Take me, and show me i'm alive
(Pre chorus)
Gonna wake up and radiate
She's the woman you love to hate
Call her up from a distant New York
She's waiting
I've got a weekend full of weekends
I'm gonna spend them by myself
I've got a Tuesday full of Mondays
I feel I've done them well
Let the evening scratch the morning
I feel naked from waist down
I've got a weekend full of weekends
I might not make it out
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dimecres, 16 d’abril del 2008
Rhapsody - Emerald sword
Una recomenació d'en Blue.
Rhapsody - Emerald sword (clica per veure la lletra)
I crossed the valleys the dust of midlands
to search for the third key to open the gates
Now I'm near the altar the secret inside
As legend told my beloved sun light the dragons eyes
On the way to the glory I'll honour my sword
to serve right ideals and justice for all
Finally happened the sun hit their eyes
the spell was creating strange games of light
Thanks to hidden mirrors I found my lost way
over the stones I reached the place it was a secret cave
In a long bloody battle that prophecies told
the light will prevail hence wisdom is gold
For the king for the land for the mountains
for the green valleys where dragons fly
for the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword
Only a warrior with a clear heart
could have the honour to be kissed by the sun
Yes, I am that warrior I followed my way
led by the force of cosmic soul I can reach the sword
On the way to the glory I'll honour my sword
to serve right ideals and justice for all
For the king for the land for the mountains
for the green valleys where dragons fly
for the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword
For the king for the land for the mountains
for the green valleys where dragons fly
for the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword
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dimarts, 15 d’abril del 2008
The Decemberists - Sons and daughters
Una recomanació d'en Rayuela, que em deu un cafè ;)
The Decemberists - Sons and daughters (clica per veure la lletra)
When we arrive
Sons & daughters
We'll make our homes on the water
We'll build our walls aluminum
We'll fill our lives with cinnamon now
These currents pull us 'cross the border
Steady your boats
Arms to shoulder
'till tides are pulled
Hold our grounds
Making this cold harbor now home
Take up your arm
Sons and daughters
We will arise from the bunkers
By land, by sea, by dirrigible
We'll leave our tracks untraceable now
When arrive
Sons and daughters
We'll make our lives on the water
We'll build our walls aluminum
We'll fill our mouths cinnamon
When we arrive
Sons and daughters
We'll make our homes on the water
We'll build our walls aluminum
We'll fill our mouths cinnamon
(when we arrive sons and daughters
We'll make our homes underwater
When we build our walls of aluminum
We'll fill our mouths with cinnamon)
Here all the bombs fade away
Here all the bombs fade away
Here all the bombs fade away
Here all the bombs fade away
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dilluns, 14 d’abril del 2008
Nacho Vegas & Chrisitna Rosenvinge - Verano fatal
Segons les paraules del Sergio, "Una mostra del millor "indie" nacional".
Comença la setmana.
Nacho Vegas & Chrisitna Rosenvinge - Verano fatal (clica per veure la lletra)
Te vi en un escenario intentando disparar
a este chico solitario, no me tengo que acercar,
tus ojos me encontraron en la última canción,
no sé si era una promesa o una premonición.
Te observo al descender y una extraña sensación después,
cómo poco a poco me voy empezando a encoger,
llegando a la ciudad la mujer del tiempo nos dirá
que a una primavera en calma siempre le sucederá un verano fatal.
No tenemos que escondernos alguien nos encontrará,
hacer siempre lo incorrecto es una forma de acertar,
la mañana nos recoge donde muere la ciudad,
yo buscando tu fuerza y tú mi debilidad.
Te vuelvo a escuchar en esa forma especial de hablar,
para ser un buen cantante tienes que desafinar,
hoy hace más calor y me tienes atrapado en tu rincón,
quien podría imaginar lo que nos iba a deparar un verano fatal.
Y aquí las noches llegan y nos pasan como un reactor
y todo lo que nace, nace casi como por error,
y las gaviotas chillan que ya está cerca el final de un verano fatal,
de un verano fatal.
Te pierdo entre la gente que ha venido a celebrar
que llega el presidente y dice que nos va a salvar,
veo pasos en la orilla y te vuelvo a encontrar
en el agua de rodillas cruzando hacia altamar.
Y hablamos del amor pero es la hora del adiós
y el viejo que no sabe nada con su acordeón
y al huir de la ciudad la mujer del tiempo nos dirá
que a un otoño desastroso siempre le precederá un verano fatal.
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diumenge, 13 d’abril del 2008
Damien Rice - 9 crimes
Una recomanació d'en Rayuela!
Damien Rice - 9 crimes (clica per veure la lletra)
Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be thinking of you
It's the wrong time
For somebody new
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse
Is that alright with you?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
That alright with you?
If you don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright with you?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright with you?
With you.
Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be cheating on you
It's the wrong time
But she's pulling me through
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse
Is that alright with you?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright with you?
If you don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright with you?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
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dissabte, 12 d’abril del 2008
The Hives - Well all right!
The Hives - Well all right! (clica per veure la lletra)
Hey! I've got a message and tonight and Im gonna send it.
Yeah! I had a body and men with knives wanted to lend it.
Sold my body to the company so I got the money now away I go and I say thank
you Mr CEO.
Hey! I've got some money and tonight Im gonna spend it.
Yeah! They gave me a paper and I went ahead and penned it and I say thank you
I filled my pockets now I might as well - Die! cause I found the backdoor out
of teenage hell - all right!
Filed my account cause I might in fact - Die!
But I rely on science, yeah to bring me back - all right.
I.....'m gonna die....
Heavy morals seem so light but when it comes to cash I'm gonna die all right!
Hey! I lost the money seems like I can't comprehend it.
Yeah! Got a hole in my head gotta gotta mend it.
Too messed up to sit and settle down.
Too messed up to even mess around.
Thats why your smiling Mr CEO.
I filled my pockets now I might as well - Die! cause I found the backdoor out
of teenage hell - all right!
Filed my account cause I might in fact - Die!
But I rely on science, yeah to bring me back - all right.
I.....'m gonna die.... but not right now
Yeah why don't you do the same?
I got the money now I can't complain.
Except the tics won't go away oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!
And the way I feel tonight is gonna make me die all right.
I filled my pockets now I might as well - Die! cause I found the backdoor out
of teenage hell - all right!
Filed my account cause I might in fact - Die!
But I rely on science, yeah to bring me back - all right.
I.....'m gonna die....
Heavy morals seem so light but when it comes to cash I'm gonna die all right!
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divendres, 11 d’abril del 2008
Chris Cornell - You know my name
Després de 12 recomanacions encadenades. Vaig estar a punt de fer-me una autopetició.
Chris Cornell - You know my name (clica per veure la lletra)
If you take a life do you know what you'll give?
Odds are, you won't like what it is
When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me?
By the merciless eyes of deceit?
I've seen angels fall from blinding heights
But you yourself are nothing so divine
Just next in line
Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize it may never fulfill you
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die?
The coldest blood runs through my veins
You know my name
If you come inside things will not be the same
When you return to the night
And if you think you've won
You never saw me change
The game that we all been playing
I've seen diamonds cut through harder men
Than you yourself
But if you must pretend
You may meet your end
Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize it may never fulfill you
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die?
The coldest blood runs through my veins
Try to hide your hand
Forget how to feel
Forget how to feel
Life is gone with just a spin of the wheel
Spin of the wheel
Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize it may never fulfill you
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die?
The coldest blood runs through my veins
You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
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dijous, 10 d’abril del 2008
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere over the rainbow
Una altra recomanació de la Núria! Ja s'està aficionant a earenjoy! ;)
Fem una cosa, imagineu-vos com és el cantant, mitjançant la seva veu, un cop tingueu clar com és, busqueu una mica per google...Prejudicis? No sé...
D'en Rayuela encara queden recomanacions endarrerides, però ja veure si les posem... ;)
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere over the rainbow (clica per veure la lletra)
Ooooo oooooo ohoohohoo
Ooooo ohooohoo oooohoo
Ooooo ohoohooo oohoooo
Oohooo oohoooho ooooho
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby ii ii iii
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh ooooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me ee ee eeh
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops thats where you'll find me oh
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to,why, oh why can't I? i iiii
Well I see trees of green and
Red roses too,
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself
What a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, I...I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more
Than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world (w)oohoorld
Someday I'll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that's where you'll find me
Oh, Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to, why, oh why can't I? I hiii ?
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
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dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2008
Sly and the family Stone - Play that funky music
Una recomanació, a la segona volta, de l'elena
Sly and the family Stone - Play that funky music (clica per veure la lletra)
Yeah hey
Once there was a boogie singer
Playing in a rock and roll band
I never had no problems, yeah
burnin'out the one night stands
And everything around me
Got to start to feeling so low
And I decied quickly, yes is did
To disco down and check out this show
Yeah there was dancing
And singing
And moving to the grooving
And just when it hit me
Somebody turned around
And shouted
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie and play that funky music til you die
Til you die?
Oh til you die
I tried to understand this
I thought that they where out of their minds
How could I be so foolish, how could I
To not see I was the one behind
So still I kept on fighting
Loosing every step of the way
(And what you do?)
I said I must go back there, got to go back
And check to see if things still the same
Yeah there were dancing
And singing
And moving to the grooving
And just when it hit me
Somebody turned around
And shouted
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie and wear that funky music til you die
Til you die?
Oh til you die
Hey, wait a minute
Now first it wasn’t easy
Changing rock and roll and minds
And things where getting shaky
I thought I had to leave it behind
Now its so much better, it’s so much better
I’m funkying out in every way
But I’ll never lose that feeling, no I won’t
On how I learned my lesson that day
Yeah there were dancing
And singing
And moving to the grooving
And just when it hit me
Somebody turned around
And shouted
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie and play that funky music til you die
Til you die?
Oh til you die
Thay shouted
Play that funky music
Play that funky music
Play that funky music
Play that funky music
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
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dimarts, 8 d’abril del 2008
Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Bite the bullet
L'arquer ens va arribar aquesta recomanació...Quelcom em diu que era d'una època no tan clàssica.
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dilluns, 7 d’abril del 2008
Jevetta Steele - I am calling you
Una altra recomanació de l'amic Kalessin, que segurament va tan ocupat que no la podrà sentir fins d'aqui un dies... ;)
Jevetta Steele - I am calling you (clica per veure la lletra)
A desert road from vegas to nowhere,
some place better than where you've been.
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
in a little café just around the bend.
I am calling you.
Can't you hear me?
I am calling you.
A hot dry wind blows right through me.
The baby's crying and I can't sleep,
but we both know a change is coming,
coming closer sweet release.
I am calling you.
I know you hear me.
I am calling you.
I am calling you.
I know you hear me.
I am calling you.
A desert road from vegas to nowhere,
some place better than where you've been.
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
in a little café just around the bend.
A hot dry wind blows right through me.
The baby's crying and I can't sleep
and I can feel a change is coming,
coming closer sweet release.
I am calling you.
Can't you hear me?
I am calling you.
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diumenge, 6 d’abril del 2008
The Ronettes - Be my baby
Una petició concreta, per un dia concret, d'en Rayuela.
The Ronettes - Be my baby (clica per veure la lletra)
The night we met I knew I needed you so
And if I had the chance I'd never let you go
So won't you say you love me
I'll make you so proud of me
We'll make 'em turn their heads
Every place we go
So won't you please
Be my little baby
Say you'll be my darling
Be my baby now
I'll make you happy, baby
Just wait and see
For every kiss you give me
I'll give you three
Oh, since the day I saw you
I have been waiting for you
You know I will adore you
Till eternity so won't you please
Be my little baby
Say you'll be my darling
Be my baby now
Be my little baby
Say you'll be my darling
Be my baby now
Be my little baby
Ooh, ohh...
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dissabte, 5 d’abril del 2008
Ry Cooder - Paris, Texas
Avui sí que és una petició a la desesperada d'una persona que està s.a.t.u.r.a.d.a.! Esperem que li sigui lleu la feina a en Kalessin
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divendres, 4 d’abril del 2008
Antonio Flores - Abril
En Rayuela torna a fer una aportació flamenca!
Antonio Flores - Abril (clica per veure la lletra)
Así se siente Abril
Así se siente Abril
Deja que suene la magia
Que cante el corazón
Sueños de hadas
Promesas al amor que llevas dentro
Que es parte de este son
Que tiene el cuerpo
Así se siente Abril
Eso es Abril
Un sentimiento
Eso es Abril
Caricia al viento
Luna que aclara el día
Y te confía su fiel secreto
Y así se siente Abril
Así se siente Abril
Así se siente Abril
Así se siente Abril
Así se siente Abril
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dijous, 3 d’abril del 2008
The cat empire - The chariot
Avui en Xevi s'estrena amb una petició. Val a dir que les pressions perquè em salti la queue comencen a fer que em preocupi per la meva integritat física!!
The cat empire - The chariot (clica per veure la lletra)
This is a song that came upon me
one night
when the news it had been telling me
about one more war and one more fight
and 'aeh' I sighed but then
I thought about my friends
then I wrote this declaration
just in case the world end
Our guns
we shot them in the things we said
ah we didn't need no bullets
cos we rely on some words instead
kill someone in argument
outwit them with our brains
and we'd kill ourselves laughing
at the funny things we'd say
And bombs
we had them saved for special times
when the crew would call a shakedown
we break down a party landmine
women that so sexy
they explode us with their looks
ah we blowing up some speakers
jumping round till the ground shook
And missiles
they were the roadtrips that we launched
t-t-tripping across this island
starting missions at the break of dawn
yawn and smile say
'what direction shall we take?'
'Somewhere where it warm and wet'
this be the route we'd always take and
Our weapons were our instruments
made from timber and steel
we never yielded to conformity
but stood like kings
in a chariot that's riding on a
record wheel
And our airforce flying
when the frisbee in the sky
have a session while we're smoking
now we're feeling extra high
and we'd sneak into a carpark
with the skaties on our back
and we're flying down the levels howling
'on the attack now on the attack'
And battles
they happened in these dancehalls
see we'd rather fight with music
choosing one the rhythm war
battle at these shakedowns
and we battle at these gigs
we do battle in our bedrooms
made some sweet love to the beat
Then our allies grew
wherever we would roam
see whenever we're together
any stranger feel at home
in a way we are an army
but this army not destruct
no instead we're doing simple things
good loving find it run amuck
This be a declaration
written about my friends
it's engraved into this song
so they know I'm not forgetting them
see maybe if the world contained
more people like these
then the news would not be telling me
about all that warfare endlessly and
Our weapons were our instruments
made from timber and steel
we never yielded to conformity
but stood like kings
in a chariot that's riding on
a record wheel
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dimecres, 2 d’abril del 2008
Brooklyn Funk Essentials - Ska ka-bop
Amb aquesta pressió no es pot treballar:
(6:05:32 PM) XXXXX: puta ear enjoy
(6:05:40 PM) XXXXX: engegaré una campanya de boicot
Avui ens arriba des de Picatatxes aquesta recomanació!
Brooklyn Funk Essentials - Ska ka-bop (clica per veure la lletra)
not found...alguna ajudeta...?
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dimarts, 1 d’abril del 2008
Lenny Kravitz - Stand by my woman
Abans que l'Elena se m'ofengui, us poso la seva última recomanació :D
Lenny Kravitz - Stand by my woman (clica per veure la lletra)
There were times I wasn't kind
And there were times I wasn't even around
And there were times I made you cry
So many times I had to say goodbye
When you want to talk
I'm on the phone
But now baby I am here for you alone
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
'Cause I can't live my life alone
Without a home
There were times I didn't understand
And there were times I wouldn't hold your hand
But baby now I'm here for you
'Cause baby I am so in love with you
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
'Cause I can't live my life alone
Without a home
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
'Cause I can't live my life alone
Without a home
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
'Cause I can't live my life alone
Without a home
Stand by my woman now
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
'Cause I can't live my life alone
Without a home
Without a home
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